Part 13

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I feel relieved as the lunch break bell rings. Hastily, I gather my things and get up from my seat at the back of the class. Ignoring Ms. Evans' announcement about a test for next week, I storm out of the class before anybody can tail me. Not that I hate Human Biology, hell, I'm actually very good at it, but my classmates here are so... How can I put it? Annoying. Yes, they are loud and annoying.

I can't expect less from a class that mostly filled with girls. Just where are the boys? Aren't they taking Human Biology this semester? Or they simply attend on a different schedule? Damn, those few boys in my class are not very appealing. Meanwhile, the girls just couldn't stop acting shy but clingy towards me and shooting rivalry glares towards each other. Tch.

My prior introduction about me being gay to the class didn't seem to get through their heads. They kept asking me to join them at lunch or their study group, which I have politely rejected. One of them even ridiculously asked whether I'm truly gay since I don't show any feminine gestures. What the hell? I'm gay and not a sissy. Well, I have to admit that I find it hot to imagine having a sissy boy writhing and mewling loudly beneath me. But that is it. I love sissy feminine boy, and that doesn't mean I love being one or being called one.

I walk hurriedly to my locker and put my things inside before heading to cafeteria. I hope I can meet Louis during this break hour. Despite of him turning down my offer earlier, I don't want him to feel like I am avoiding him or disappointed with him. On the contrary, I want people to see us together more often and show them that no one can harm Louis in my presence.

With that, Louis will come to realize the fact of how safe he is when being with me rather than with Tim or alone. And later, he can never resist when I start planting the idea of him being mine, and mine alone. Sounds perfect, eh? But you can never know how perfect perfection is until you really achieve it. So here I am, eating burger and chips while letting my eyes wander around the cafeteria, searching for Louis. But my favorite pair of blue eyes is no where to be seen.

"Hey, William."

I look up to find Mikey standing across my table. He is smiling at me while putting his tray of food on the table. I smile back.

"Hey, Mi." I gesture him to sit across me.

"How was your half day going?" He ask.

"Great as always if not for the second period." I take a sip of my Coke.

"What happened?" Frowning, he starts nibbling at his cheese sandwich.

"Nothing happened. Just me having a stressful Human Biology class which my classmates are mostly girls and annoying." I hope my annoyed tone can show him how stressful my situation was.

"Wow, I bet they couldn't stop hovering around you."

I roll my eyes before lifting both of my shoulder. Exactly just like you, Mi. I chuckle a little, knowing that I didn't say it out loud. Yeah, he may be too damn clingy, but that doesn't mean I'm fed up with him. Come on, we just get to have sex once. Alright, few times. But didn't I say that he is pretty good in bed? So, of course I will not dump him. At least not anytime sooner. But surely I have to do something about his mind set. I need him to be able to grasp the idea about me being allergic to romantic commitment.

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