Part 33

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Louis enters his bedroom with a towel hung over his shoulder. He just finished rinsing his body after our previous heated wet encounter. The bathroom is also located on the second floor but not connected to his bedroom. He wears another black T-shirt and tight blue skinny jeans that match his eye color. He smiles as he finds out that I don't show any disapproval on his current appearance.

"How are you feeling now, Lou?" I ask.

He hangs the towel nearby the door. "I think I'm feeling better now. Thank you, William."

I reply to his gratitude only with a thin smile. "Let me guess, there are no black briefs under those skinnies, are there?

Chuckling, Louis walks closer to the bed, where I sit and stretch my legs while waiting for him to finish his shower. "Of course, you said no more black briefs."

"That's my baby," I praise him and pat the empty spot beside me, inviting him to sit with me. He gladly accepts my offer and eagerly climbs up to the bed. He leans his body against my chest as I wrap my hand around his shoulder.

"Um... William," he starts talking after settling himself in a comfortable position.


"Are you sure you're... Uh... You don't need me to... you know." I can see a red flush creeping on his ear.

"Have you ever done that before?" I know what he is about to ask. He wants to repay the hand job I gave him earlier. He probably feels guilty that he always gets all the pleasure alone.

"No," he raises his head to face me, "But I'm willing to learn. I'll just imitate what your hands did as a start. Or maybe you can teach me how to do that." He is trying to convince me with those expectant eyes.

I can't help but chuckle at that. "Well, I'm perfectly fine right now. So no thanks, Lou."

"But, why?" He asks.

"Nothing, Baby, I'm just fine now, really," I convince him while running my fingers between his now-combed hair. I'm not going to teach him anything about sex. I want him to learn it by himself, so that he can build his own perception about sex.

He nods and eases himself further into my chest. It seems like he can find peace just by synchronizing his breathing pace with mine. After a quiet while, he suddenly asks, "Is that my phone you're holding?"

I glance at my other hand, "Oh, yes, I was just checking your texts and Facebook account." I'll make sure that he will get used to me regularly checking his phone.

"Something wrong?" He asks.

"No, Baby. Everything is fine." I kiss the top of his head. "As long as you're not hiding anything from me."

"Well, I'm not, William." He exclaims.

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