Part 34

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A/N: Alright.. So I know for sure that this book is still so far from perfect.. Not even close to being addressed as a 'good job'.. But at least I got a chance to spill whatever chaos inside my head and felt good about it.. Thank you for all of your kind support!


"Louis, I have to go now."

I'm already back in Louis' bedroom when I hear Sarah's loud voice from downstairs. She leaves to accompany her friend for wedding dress fitting and she won't be back until dinner time. Louis is still in the kitchen cleaning after our lunch earlier.

"Have fun, Mom," Louis replies.

"Yeah, you too," I can register a small chuckle coming from Sarah, "And SAY YES TO SAFE SEX, everyone!"

"Oh gosh, Mom, what the hell?!" Louis' complaint seems to go in vain since his mother just responds him with a roar of laughter before a sound of the door closing is heard.

I can't help but to smirk at her funny spontaneous campaign. I swear she was particularly raising her voice at the 'safe sex' part, as if she needed to make sure that I could hear it as well. Louis must feel really embarrassed by now since he is a freaking virgin.

Honestly, this kind of amazes me a little. I mean, does Sarah really think that her son is the type of person who would jump right into sex in his first weeks of a relationship? Or is she the one who tends to be like that? Well, one thing I know for sure is Sarah has a good nature that makes her too easily putting trust on other people. Somewhat too naive, and I don't mind that. It's a win to me since Louis obviously inherits similar naivety from his mother.

"William," Louis' voice tears my focus off the screen before me. I've been sitting on the study chair in his room, going through his computer while waiting for him. Now that he's here, looks like he's already got the kitchen cleaned. He enters the room and comes closer towards me. "Sorry about my mom, she can be so blunt sometimes." I observe a light streak of embarrassment reflecting in his blue eyes.

I hold his hand and fondle it gently. "You don't have to feel sorry. I'm not offended, Lou. It was a mere joke, to show us that she cares about you."

"But still.. I feel bad."

"Forget it, Lou. Come here."

I signal for him to sit on my lap, and turn the chair around to face his computer screen again. I rest my chin on his warm shoulder and my hand around his waist. My other hand drags the computer mouse around.

"You log into my computer?" Louis asks.

"Yes, Baby, I was browsing through your emails and storage drive, and then I found this folder." I click one folder thumbnail titled 'Mini Me'.

"Oh God, William, don't look at it," he tries hard to suppress his giggling with whining, "It's embarrassing."

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