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I parked my car in our driveway with a loud screech. Slamming the door shut I stomped my way inside, I might look like a spoilt brat but I didn't care my blood was boiling! I slammed the front door shut as hard as I could. I saw at the end of the hallway my two brothers and father looking at me with worried expressions, my dad holding my brother Mason's phone in his hands. Knowing well what they had just watched, my anger got fuelled even more as I saw to what extent my video had gone viral.

"Princess" my dad said calmly coming towards me.

"Murder!" I muttered clenching my teeth

"Murder? What do you mean sweety?" He asked rubbing the side of my arm trying to comfort me.

"Can your lawyers help me get away with murder?" I asked fuming

"Now now honey this isn't the way to deal with this" my father tried to assure me

"It's pretty bad though dad the video was all the talk around the campus even the professors..." my older brother Patrick began but a glare from my dad shut him up.

"I'm going to kill Xander dad!" I exclaimed. Oh how I wish he was infront of me so I could wring his neck.

"Now now, pumpkin we'll handle this together" my dad said

"NO!!" I yelled "This is my fight and I alone will handle Xander"

"Alright, you handle him alone but don't let the anger get to your head if there's anything I've learnt from the summer of '95 was never make rash decisions when angry" my dad advised

"Summer of '95? Was that when Xander's dad sent out fliers about hemorrhoids with your face on them?" Mason asked

"No that was when they were in highschool in '91. Xander's dad sabotaged dad's valedictorian speech in university in '95" Patrick corrected

"You're both wrong" dad sneered "that happened in 94'. In '95, Montpoopypants had exchanged a sketch of my face with a police sketch of a bank robber which was then shown on the nightly news. I spent the entire next day being questioned at the police office and even missed my first date with your mom"

"I was so angry the next day, I planned to get back at Xavier without thinking it through and it backfired in my face. Never in my life had my father been more disappointed in me" my dad said with a solemn look remembering the day.

"I don't care! I want Xander's blood tomorrow!" I screamed

"Whoa!" Patrick yelled in excitement looking at his phone "who sent male strippers to the Montgomery home?" He asked holding up his phone. It did help to calm me down a bit seeing Xander's bewildered face and his dad screaming at the strippers but not enough.

"I did that" I said in annoyance. Any other time I'd be over the moon but right now this didn't seem enough. I needed to do more harm.

"This is great" my dad clapped his hands loudly in happiness "this could even help me in the polls"

"Dad could we not focus on the election for once" I yelled "this" I pointed to the video of the strippers dancing at the Montgomery's "isn't enough. Xander will rue the day he messed with me!"

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