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I had been crying into my pillow for a while, as I had made a huge portion of it wet from all the tears, when my mom knocked on the door. I kept quiet thinking she'd presume I was sleeping and would leave but instead she slowly opened the door to check on me.

"Aria honey, you asleep?" She asked quietly. I answered with a slow "Uhmm" because my throat was clamped shut from all the crying.

"Honey is everything alright?" My mom came into the room turning the lights on. Damn mother's intuition, I just didn't feel like talking now and even if I tried I'm pretty sure I won't be able to properly.

"I'm fine mom" I croacked unconvincingly

"Have you been crying?" Mom placed her hand over my cheek and I was forced to sit up and face "Oh honey you look awful" she gasped looking at my state.

"I guess today was a lot to take in" I said wiping my tears with my sleeve.

"Is this because of Xander?"

I tried to lie, I really did. I wanted to tell her something else, make up a story but I just didn't have it in me. Instead I collapsed into her arms burying my head into her shoulder.

"I screwed up, mom" I cried my heart out "I screwed up so bad"

"Honey you've got to tell me what's wrong? You told us that you didn't get to end your prank and that you were faking it?" My mother asked while rubbing my back

"I lied mom it was all a lie. I lied to dad so he wouldn't go over to the Montgomery's, I lied to Xander that I didn't feel anything for him and worse.." I had to stop talking cause I couldn't speak through the sobs "I lied to myself"

"You really like this boy don't you?" My mother held my face in her hands moving me away so I could face her.

"Yes" I nodded

"And you also don't want to disappoint your dad" my mom added "that's why you lied, isn't it?" to which I nodded again.

"You've always been his little princess and even though he claims that this feud is everything to him, I know deep down what matters most to him is your happiness" my mom reasoned "honey you're dad would never want to see you miserable and if that means learning to live with the fact that your seeing the Montgomery boy I'm sure your father will learn to accept it"

"But he almost went full loco today" I said "he was about to go down and beat all the Montgomery's at once"

"I'm not saying he'll take it well but in time, a whole lot of time and maybe some therapy and anger management" my mom laughed "but I know for sure he'll come around to it. Imagine if he found you like this it would've hurt him so much more to see you miserable than seeing this stupid feud end"

"But you realize he won't still like the idea of me dating Xander" I told her

"I've seen you fool law enforcement. I'm sure you can come up with something with that devious mind of yours" my mom said reassuringly "but first you need to take care of that boy and snatch him right back"

"I feel like I really hurt him a lot today mom" I admitted looking down at my hands ashamed with myself.

"Well then fix it!" She suggested giving my shoulders a little shake "go to that boy and tell him how you truly feel. Not now though as nana say nothing good happens at twelve but first thing tomorrow"

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