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"It's been a week Angela!" I almost screamed in annoyance "an entire week, and you still say I need to give him more time!"

"All I know is that boy is trying to break you and you can't cave cause that'll give him the upper hand" reasoned Angela while she fixed the strands on my Cleopatra wig.

"Do you understand the gravity of the situation here?!" I yelled "the Halloween Ball is tonight!"

"So?" Angela shrugged. I suddenly realized what people meant by their jaw hitting the ground cause mine almost did from utter shock.

"So? I haven't been able to get more than a k or a bye from my date to the ball who also happens to be my mortal enemy!" I almost screamed in frustration. Why was this so hard for her to understand?!

"You both had a deal, he'll be there. Plus your costumes are ready what more do you want to talk to him about?" Angela countered. For a moment I didn't have an answer and fumbled to think of a reply.

"Well" I started out uneasily "this will definitely be a shock to everyone in school not to mention our parents"

"But you get to deal with that after the ball no amount of discussion can change that" Angela interrupted

"Angela it's not that easy" I said throwing my hands in the air.

"It's as easy as admitting you've got a thing for Xander"


"And he has a thing for you" Angela added "girl he's using the classic ignore her and be a jerk so she comes running trick on you and I'm not letting a friend of mine fall for it"

"Ignore her so she comes running?" I repeated "that's probably the stupidest thing I've ever heard. What girl would fall for a guy that basically treats her like dirt?" Angela replied with a simple snort and a cheeky laugh.

"Aria honey, if I weren't holding you back you'd be long trapped in Xander's little game running into his arms without an ounce of dignity"

"Ok that's downright insulting! Me running to Xander? Hell would have to freeze over first"

"All you've been talking about the past week is how Xander is not replying, Xander won't talk to you at school, Xander doesn't pick up my calls, Xander this and Xander that. How many times have I had to physically snatch that phone away from you so you wouldn't double text him? Hell, I had to tackle you from going over to his house just last night. You had a plan to sneak in and everything!"

"I just needed to clear things up with him" I folded my arms over my chest I'm a defensive position.

"Aria, you want to ignore the fact that you like Xander then go ahead but I'll be damned if I let you fall into something you're probably not prepared for" Angela said adamantly "plus you'd do the same if you were in my place"

"So what do you want me to do" I sighed in defeat. A mischievous smile came over Angela's face which I wasn't liking.

"Let's get to our glam appointment first" she said grabbing her purse and throwing me my car keys.

Michael Mondo owner of Beat Face salons and beauty products was a renowned makeup artist, who did come under fire more than once for his choice of brand name but it had little to no affect on him. It did help that he was immensely talented and that he had people lining up just for an appointment to book an appointment with him.

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