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"Absolutely outrageous!" Yelled Principal Steven pacing the room. "In the fifteen years I've spent in education system never have such irresponsible, reckless, downright crazy.... parents!"

Both the Rockwell's and my parents sat as they got a lecture from Principal Steven while Aria and I sat at the back of the room mostly because we stank of whipped cream and mash.

"You seriously want to overlook your children's behaviour because of some silly feud" he went on.

"Actually it's been going on for four generations" my dad began to explain but he was cut short by Principal Steven.

"I don't care if it has been going on for forty generations!" Principal Steven rose up from his chair punching his desk in frustration "You know we have zero tolerance on everything. This isn't the eighties fights on school grounds, destruction of school's property, and bullying are all punishable by immediate expulsion and your kids have done all three"

"Excuse me, Principal Steven" Aria said raising her hand "I only did one of those the fight on school grounds and even that was an accident you see I fell"

"Aria shut up" he told her off which made me snicker but a glare from Principal Stevens put a stop to that as well.

"Steven this is their senior year I'm sure we can figure something out" my dad reasoned

"I have no choice but to expel them both" Principal Steven said flatly

"Wait there must be something we can work out?" Aria's mom pleaded

"Happy now Rockweak" I whispered angrily to Aria

"Hold up I feeling the show isn't over yet" she whispered back.

"I have a feeling you're absolutely insane" I countered.

Our parents were in the middle of pleading with the principal and him telling them there's nothing he can do when the door burst open and Chief Mathews entered.

"Sorry for not knocking" he apologised meekly "wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything"

"Chief Mathews what are you doing here?" Asked Principal Stevens

"Well word of the latest Montgomery vs Rockwell fiasco moves fast" he said "Stevens mind if I had a word with you alone"

"Fine" Principal Stevens didn't seem happy about it but agreed all the same "can you all give us a second?"

Outside the Principal's office both families sat opposite ends of the waiting area.

"Who started it?" Aria's dad asked quietly her but of course everyone in the room heard him even the school secretary sitting at the front of the room probably did too.

"I did" she replied her dad seemed content with that answer and leaned back almost bursting with pride. He looked at my dad with a large grin on his face folding his arms over his chest.

"And I used her as a napkin" I spoke up to which my dad snorted a laugh.

"Remember that Montgomery's always pay their dues" laughed my father

"Enough of this!" My mom hissed angrily "it's enough that you got the children involved in this spat but I will not stay silent while you jeopardise their education because of it"

"It's not a spat.." my dad began but was interrupted when Aria's mom chimed in.

"I agree, we should be trying to solve this situation and not making it worse" she said giving her husband the side eye. That shut all of us up and we sat quietly for the next few minutes till Chief Mathews and Principal Stevens exited the room.

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