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Chelsea! Of all the people from school to bump into at this time, I would've picked anyone but Chelsea. Not only was she super annoying and nosy but she had the habit of inviting herself into everyone else's conversation or friend group. Although on a normal day I would've found her slightly annoying but now that she suddenly chose to show up as I was confessing to Xander that I liked him and she sat next to my man, I honestly saw red.

Jealously was a fairly new concept for me but I understood how Xander smiling and talking to the blonde while ignoring me had brought it on. I was about to shoo her away somehow when Xander decided by himself to announce to her that we had "broken up". When were we ever officially a couple?!

So when he asked me to confirm it, I wasn't exactly in the right frame of mind. Being jealous, angry, nervous and anxious is never a good mix and I did the only thing my messed up mind thought best at the time. I grabbed him and kissed him. Mid kiss I realized that I was kissing Xander in the middle of a packed Diner during breakfast rush with Chelsea sitting right beside him, and backed away breaking the kiss, plopped back into my seat and acted like nothing had happened at all.

"OH MMM GGG!!!" Squealed Chelsea giggling like a schoolgirl "you two are too cute even you're little tiffs are adorable"

"Thanks, Chelsea" I replied with the best fake smile I could make "I hope you don't mind but Xander and I would like to work out our little 'tiff' a bit more"

"Say no more" she placed a finger on her lips before giving us both a silent kiss wave and leaving our table.

Xander had remained frozen staring at me since I broke our kiss, he didn't even acknowledge Chelsea when she left.

"Your coffee is getting cold" I told him after a few seconds.

"What the hell" he hissed

"Coffee gets cold sitting around Xander it's not my fault" I tried to humor him.

"No!" He shook his head "you kissed me!"


"But we're not a couple anymore"

"Technically we never were a couple, Xander" I pointed out

"Well, untechnically you broke up with me so what's all this then?"

I bit my lip hesitantly, nervous about what to say next.

"You were right" I said after a while "I am a coward"

"When did I say that?" He asked with a confused expression

"That day in the parking lot when I threw my shoes at you" I explained "you were right I am a big coward and yesterday when you dropped me off at home. Seeing dad so angry I chickened out and told him it was a prank, that my plan was to break up with you in front of the whole school"

"That still doesn't change anything, Aria. We shouldn't be letting people at school think we're together" Xander stated

"I don't want to win" I said after some silence placing my hand over his. Xander looked down at our hands and rubbed his thumb over the top of my hand.

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