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Author's Note:

I just needed to say this. One of the most defining memories of my life was when a very young me (don't even remember my exact age at the time but maybe around 4 to 6 years old I think) saw a pretty silk scarf and touched it. The woman who was selling the scarves grabbed my hand and pushed it away telling me aggressively "Don't touch it! Go back to your own country!"
It's been many many years since then yet I still remember, that's the thing with racism it makes an impression so deep it lasts for years. Making someone feel less than you, unworthy, and judging them just by the color of their skin isn't right yet it still happens. Again. And again. And again. And again.

Even after acknowledging the atrocities the black community has seen, some people still think it's ok to admonish them for rioting or property damage without caring to hear their plea. Businesses, roads, properties all can be rebuilt but a lost life can't be regained. "Let us live" that's all they are saying. I'm not American, but I want to support my brothers and sisters in the black community. We can't be one until we stand as one and I'm standing for what I think is right.



"We really screwed up, didn't we?" Xavier Montgomery laughed taking a sip of his beer.

"Yeah no one is going to give us the parent of the year award" agreed Ashton Rockwell clicking his beer with Xavier's.

They were in an empty bar, at town square near the burnt down Town Hall. Usually today on this day the bar would be packed full with people awaiting the results of the election at noon. Today it had been emptied out exclusively for the two gentlemen and the clock was just about to hit 11:58 am.

Even the bartender looked at them warily as the two men spoke a civilized conversation in the first time since... well ever. Outside a whole crowd had gathered watching them from the glass of the bar.

"You know the one that really got me" Xavier chucked while reminiscing their old pranks "that time you burst our plumbing pipes causing the whole house to reek of sewage. Winter of 93"

Ashton tilted his head back roaring as they both laughing together for once.

"That took me four months of stuffing whatever I could find into the main sewage pipe line to block it up" admitted Ashton.

"The one that really riled me up, as simple as it was when you stole my clothes that time when I was skinny dipping in the lake during the summer of 92" Ashton said "it was the most embarrassing moment of my life! I had to walk naked till I found a clothes line in someone's backyard and walked back into town in oversized overalls. I looked like a hobo"

Ashton and Xavier laughed so hard they almost fell off their stools.

"Umm sorry to disturb you but they're about to announce the winner" the bartender said turning up the volume of the tv.

Both men turned their attention to the flat screen on the wall and watched as the announcer was about to say the results.

"Well this is a first, never before in the history of the entire state of Maine have both candidates withdrawn from the race mere hours before the winner was to be announced!"

"You dropped out too!" Both yelled at each other simultaneously

"But you!"

"But I" they said again together before breaking out in laughter again.

"Wow can't believe we wasted all our lives being enemies" Ashton shook his head

"We could have been great friends" admitted Xavier

"We can be?" Ashton shrugged

"I think we are" Xavier held up his beer to which they both toasted to their new friendship, turning their attention back to the screen.

"Since this has never happened before, the election committee has decided to postpone the election for another year so new candidates can campaign while the old Mayor will remain in office" the announcer added.

"Seems like a good decision" Ashton thought

"Nah why waste an entire year, a month is more than enough"

"Really? You think you could pull an entire mayoral campaign from scratch in one month?" Ashton shook his head "only an idiot would think that"

"Only a lazy person wouldn't be able to pull it off" retorted Xavier angrily.

"Hey! Hey!" The bartender spoke up "I thought we were all friends here"

"Sorry" they mumbled together before going quiet for a few seconds like two children who had just been scolded.

"And thanks" Ashton spoke up first breaking the silence "for saving Aria"

"Don't mention it" Xavier said rubbing Ashton's shoulder "it was sheer luck hadn't I had gone out to look for Xander I wouldn't have been able to save her. I had gotten paranoid after his arrest and really felt bad that I yelled at him that day. I sort of blamed myself for everything that happened if I hadn't kicked him out that night he wouldn't have gotten stuck in that mess"

"We were just doing what we thought was right" Ashton said "All our lives, we've been taught this feud should be our number one priority and not to mingle with the enemy"

"I know" agreed Xavier "but I guess seeing my kid almost jailed for life and how your daughter was doing everything she could to save my son really made me rethink things"

"Yeah seeing how determined your son was not to break up with Aria took me aback a bit too" admitted Ashton

"Kids make you do weird things, I literately walked out of my own party seeing that Xander had gone and started looking for him on the streets. I tried to call him but he had apparently left the phone on silent and couldn't hear my calls. That's when I was standing by the street waiting for the truck to pass that I saw Aria running. I just ran towards her and pulled her away from the oncoming truck"

"To think I could've lost my princess forever" Ashton choked wiping away his tears "I had been so blind in my rage that I hurt my own family, my own child"

"We need to make this right Ashton" Xavier said "for their sake. We can't let another generation get sucked into this mess"

Ashton nodded his head taking a deep breath staring straight ahead for a few minutes till he got his emotions in control.

"To be fair, I still don't like the fact that your son is dating my daughter" admitted Ashton "but seeing that he makes my Aria happy I'll learn to live with it"

"Get used to it Rockwell" chuckled Xavier guzzling down the last gulp of his beer "I have a feeling we'll be sharing grandkids some day"

"If you want to make this friendship work I suggest not making such jokes, Montgomery" Ashton said through gritted teeth before also finishing off his beer.

Xavier just laughed shaking his head, smacking his new friend and old enemy shoulder in the process.

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