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Hugging, crying, screaming, dancing, and singing everyone had basically gone crazy after Principal Stevens announced the Halloween Ball was back on. For the first time in a while, I didn't get snide stares but people smiling back at me even some extending a fist bump.

"Xander you did it bro!" Dave congratulated me coming in for a hug

"Yeah things finally fell into place" I said back

"You're still the quarterback" Dave shook me "be more excited"

"Yeah I am" I said but the excitement really wasn't there since yesterday it was like my mind was stuck in a rut.

"OMG!!! I'm beyond excited my custom made outfit won't go to waste. I'll be definitely winning best costume this year" squealed one of the cheerleaders as she walked past us.

"Shauna" Dave pointed out as she passed out of ears reach "do you think ya boi has a shot at her?"

"Oh you mean Tania's friend" I remarked with a shrug "she's ok I guess"

"You and Tania! Sparking some old memories are we?" Dave asked suggestively

"There aren't any memories to spark, Dave" I said getting my books from my locker

"Really?" Dave said with a raised eyebrow

"We were like together and I don't think together is the right word. We hooked up a couple of times that's all" I shrugged

"Well there's nothing new in that the only relationships you've had ever were that of the meaningless hooking up kind"

"Are" I corrected "I don't plan on changing it anytime soon"

"I think things have already changed" Dave patted me on the back "it's just that you haven't noticed it yet" he said before leaving for class as the teachers were already screaming in the hallways for everyone to get their act together and get to classes.

I stood there for a second absorbing what Dave just said. Had things really changed?

"Get your butt to class Montgomery" the history teacher Mr. Lots said as he passed me in the hallway.

I didn't need to be told twice silently gathering my things and heading to Spanish. By lunch, things hadn't changed my mind was still stuck it was like it refused to focus on anything else. I sat there eating my lunch like a zombie while Rob and Dave talked animatedly about the ball.

"I don't know how I feel about a red wig or playing my girlfriend's twin brother but Haley insists on going as Cheryl and Jason Blossom" Rob said shaking his head

"Comic book or Riverdale version?" Dave asked

"Riverdale" sighed Rob "I get a bullet hole in my head and everything"

"Putting your girlfriend's weird choice of costumes aside I think you might have a real shot at winning best couple at the ball. People are crazy over Riverdale" Dave said

"Yeah I guess" Rob shrugged

"I think I'm winning the Solo Soul award this year" Dave said "As none other than the Bob Ross even had the Afro and beard custom made."

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