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Xander call me when you can.

Xander where are you? Why aren't you picking up the phone?


Fifteen messages on imessenger, thirty missed calls, and I've lost count how many times I tried contacting him through DMs, WhatsApp, Twitter, I even used facebook messenger for crying out loud but nothing from the guy. I called Dave and he was able to tell me that Xander and his dad had a huge fight about us and his dad ended up kicking him out of the house. Xander had called him shortly after the fight but now he was also unable to contact him. His phone was on for about an hour and a half then that also became a dead end. Is he ignoring me? I thought which in turn made me angry. I cursed a couple of times then stomped over to bed, to hell with Xander if he didn't care to pick up my call or reply my messages then I wasn't going to waste my precious sleep over him.

Two hours of tossing and turning later...

Looking over at the clock and seeing it was already 3 am, I decided sleep wasn't coming anytime soon so I should take some initiative. Grabbing my phone I dialed the number I knew all too well. I knew he would be awake cause the boy never seemed to sleep and true to word he picked up on the second ring.

"And here I thought you had forgotten about me" his voice strangely sounded deeper than before I mean how much growing up did he do this month I thought.

"Sammy I couldn't forget you even if I tried" I said sweetly "how you've been?"

"Great. Alright formalities done what do you want?" He asked getting straight to the point.

"I'm good too thanks for asking" I replied sarcastically

"Well since you've decided to play the Juliet to Xander's Romeo, I figured you'd be calling me sooner than later" Sammy said

"Yeah about that I need you to locate Xander through his phone or any other way. Neither I or his friends can reach him at this moment"

"Why the relationship gone sour already? I thought you two would last at least another month" joked Sammy which ticked me off.

"No, his dad had a fight with him and kicked him out of the house. Now none of us can get a hold of him so if you're caught up on the story can you please help me find him?!" I yelled slightly at the end.

"I was just joking... I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it" Sammy started to apologize, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath calming myself down.

"No I'm sorry, Sammy. I'm just worried and slightly sleep deprived. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that" I said feeling really crummy.

"No it's ok. I've managed to connect with his phone it's definitely on but getting the exact location will take a minute or two. How about I text you once I've gotten it" he suggested

"That would be great. Thanks Sammy"

"No problem" he said before hanging up the phone.

Seconds we're going by like hours as I paced my room waiting for Sammy's text. As soon as I heard the notification, I instinctively grabbed my coat before even looking down at my phone. I was going to find Xander, hit him a few times for ignoring me and for making me worry I thought. I was making my way down the steps, looking down at my phone double checking Xander's location when I heard someone call my name.

"Aria, you heard the news as well" my brother Mason said who was strangely standing at the bottom of the stairs also in his coat and shoes.

"News?" I asked looking at him confused when suddenly my dad followed by my mom and Patrick appeared coming out of his office.

"It's pretty bad" my dad said "they say nothing is left"

"What's going on?" I asked

"Aria honey, the town hall suddenly caught fire today" my dad explained "they suspect it's arson. Your mom and I are going to see and check on the town's people, you guys stay here"

I froze in my place every bone in my body refusing to comply, my tongue feeling heavy and my hands and feet suddenly feeling cold.

"But we want to go too, Dad!" Patrick whined like a kid.

"Yeah we want to see the fire" Mason joined in

"Boys this is an emergency, we don't want to create a crowd and make it difficult for the firefighters and law enforcement" my mom scolded

"I think.. we should go" I managed to say with some difficulty "we'll stay out of the way. Please"

"Alright everyone get in the car there's no time to loose" my dad thankfully agreed.

My brother's high fived each other and headed out while I followed them slowly my feet suddenly felt like they were stuck in cement. I looked down at my phone trying to make sense of it all, reading Sammy's text again.

X's last location: Fountain park, in front of Town Hall, Harpton, Maine.

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