Chapter 4: The Sleepover

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Now that the bonus chapter asides, for now but I promise to make some more bonus chapters. Enjoy the chapter.

"Are you guys... together?" Lincoln asked confused. "Uhh.... yea, were together now." both said at the same time. Lincoln calmed himself down to what he just saw. "Well talk later at my room later before you guys go to sleep, but for now everyone's waiting in the van." Lincoln said to his as they nodded their heads to respond to his brother." So the siblings headed into the van. "There you guys are, we've been literally waiting for you." said Lori. "Its has been forever to wait for you guys.!" Lola said angrily at the trio. "Good thing that were going back to the mall. I've wanted to buy some more clothes for the resort and for myself anyways." Leni thought to herself. After a few hours at the mall, everyone went home to relax. They Louds went inside the house and watched T.V., except for Lincoln who already went upstairs to his room trying to relax. Lynn and Luna noticed that he already went upstairs. So while everyone was distracted watching T.V., the two went to Lincoln's room ready to talk to him. "I thought we're going to wait until everyone is asleep." Lincoln said to the two. "This is the perfect time to talk to us already rather than wait more time." said Lynn. Lynn and Luna were a bit nervous of what their brother is going to say. Lincoln took a big deep breath, then started talking "First of all, I'm not mad. Second of all, when did this all started?" The two sister sat in the bed between Lincoln so that he could understand more clearly. After the conversation, Lincoln said to the two "Now that I've understand your story, I'm have full support on you guys." "Now that you've understand our story, can you please please we've beg of you don't try to tell this to everyone OK." Luna begged to her brother. "I'm not a tattle tale like Lola OK, you can trust me." Lincoln said to his 3rd sister. Lincoln already said goodnight to his sisters then the two left already in his door, and now talked to each other. "So...what now?" Lynn asked her sister/girlfriend. "Well, uhm..." Luna was a bit nervous at this point.

"I am planning to have a sleepover at my room, wanna come with me?" Luna asked the brunette with a tiny blush from her. "Y-yea I want to." Lynn stuttered a bit with a mix of blush. "Lemme just get some stuff in my room OK, I'll meet you at your room as soon as you can." she added. "Cool" Luna said then bit her lip but smiling.

Lynn then went to her room, changing in her night attire, then grabbed her blanket. Meanwhile, the other siblings went upstairs getting ready for bed. As Lynn opened the door, Lucy appeared out of knowhere making her surprised. "Lucy, what the hell." Lynn said slightly mad. "Sorry Lynn, where are you going?" Lucy apologized to her sister/roommate and asked. "Well if you don't mind, I'm just going to sleep at Luna and Luan's room for the night." Lynn explained to Lucy. "Its OK, I need some alone time anyways." Lucy said to her. "Good night then Lucy." said Lynn. "Good night then, I guess." said Lucy.

Then Lynn knocked at the door on her girlfriend's/sister's side of the room. But Luan opened the door. "Hey Lynn, what are doing here?" Luan asked her sibling then Luna intervened saying "I invited her, just for the night." "Oh no, its OK, I mean I don't mind about visitors especially if its one of our sisters." said Luan. "I guess she told you about the sleepover huh?" she asked. "Uhh... yeah, she told me." said Lynn to his close-aged sister. "So Benny not coming?" Luna asked her. "I guess not." Luan answered. "Not even the other girl, dammit what was her name again?" Lynn asked. "Oh you mean Maggie, she's not even answering my texts and calls." said Luan. "OK, since its just the three of us, I guess it's a sister sleepover then?" asked Lynn. "Pretty much." "Yea dude, its just us." the two roomates/sisters answered her question. "So, what the plan for tonight guys?" Lynn asked. "Just a simple night actually, a pillow fight and conversations between sisters." Luan said the plan to Lynn. Then Lynn grabbed a bean bag to hit Luan in the face. "I declare the pillow fight on!!!" Lynn cheered happily. "Oh its on." said Luan got her game face on and hit Lynn with a pillow. "Wait for me." Luna said to the two hitting them both with a pillow at the same time.

After they got exhausted in the pillow fight, they just had some random conversations for like an hour. Then, *yawn* "I think I'm ready to hit the hay." said Luan. *yawn* "Me too dudes, lets go to sleep." Luna said feeling sleepy as well. "We are you going to sleep Lynn?" questioned the jokester brunette. "I can bunk with Luna, if she don't mind." Lynn said to Luan then looked at Luna trying not to be suspicious. "Sure lil dudette." Luna said to her girlfriend trying not to be suspicious as well. Then now, they have headed into their beds, Luan fell asleep first then as she already slept, Lynn and Luna talk to each other for a bit. "You had fun tonight?" asked Luna. "Yea, maybe the best night I've ever had." said Lynn to her lover/sister. "Good night Lynnie." said Luna then kissed her good night on the cheek. "Good night to you to Lunes." as Lynn also kissed her back. Then they Luna started spooning on Lynn as they went to sleep. And there goes a perfect night in the Loud House.


Total Words: 999

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