Chapter 22: The Song

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This is going to be a short story, I promise. Please E-N-J-O-Y!!

The sun is rising in sunny Miami. The three of them were already working on finishing the song today. As soon as each of them already woke up, they've had breakfast and their showers, they started to work on how the song it will be released.

It took them the whole day to edit out the song, plus breaks, and shows that they were ready to pass the song to Mr. Smith tomorrow. The three of them were excited to pass it to him tomorrow. Mia already left beause she can't stay much longer and her parents only allow her to stay for one night.

Good thing that she already did her part because she is also an editor and they finished in a nick of time. All the two couples had to do was to sleep in until morning rose again.

Next morning

The three went into his office to just as he arrives as well. "We... we d... did it Mr. Smith." Luna said as the three of them were exhausted. "You two like to pass your work early. And that is why you two are my favorites who I manage. Now let's hear that song that the three of you composed." Mr. Smith said as the song was about to start.

Let's get drunk
I'll pour my heart out through my mouth
This year's been hard for us no doubt

Let's raise a glass to a better one
And all the things that we've overcome
Are bring home to us 'cause
Me and you we can hold this out
Only you understand how I'm feeling now yeah

And I know, I can tell you anything
You won't judge, you're just listening
'Cause you're the best thing that ever happened to me

"The beat of the song is very good." Mr. Smith commented which the three smile.

'Cause my darling, you and I could take over the world
And one step at a time, just you and I (just you and I)
'Cause you're the only one, who brings light just like the sun
One step at a time, just you and I (just you and I)

"What a chorus." Mr. Smith added another comment.

Let's get drunk
We'll reminisce about the days
When we were broke, not getting paid and taking trips on the weekend
When I would drop down to see you
And we would paint the town
Too many chugs, I'll be passing out
'Cause I can never keep up quad vods now I'm puking up

And I know, I can tell you anything
You won't judge you're just listening, yeah
'Cause you're the best thing that ever happened to me

'Cause my darling, you and I
Could take over the world
And one step at a time, just you and I (just you and I)
'Cause you're the only one, who brings light just like the sun
One step at a time, just you and I (just you and I)

Tired of chasing paper
Staring at this screen
Been saving up for weeks now
Just to get to you, my dear
And though you're far from my home
This ain't no weekend bar
And oh my heart grows fonder
Must be city love

'Cause my darling, you and I
Could take over the world
And one step at a time, just you and I (just you and I)
'Cause my darling, you and I
Could take over the world
One step at a time, just you and I (just you and I)
'Cause you're the only one, who brings light just like the sun
One step at a time, just you and I (just you and I)
Yeah, one step at a time, just you and I
Yeah, one step at a time, just you and I

After hearing the song, Mr. Smith said "One of the best mixed-song genres I've ever heard." "What is this song called again?" he asked. "Just You and I" Lynn answered her. "You Lynnsanity, have a secret talent that needs to share it to the world." Mr. Smith.

"This song is going to be released at the end of the week." Luna informed. "That's another good news." he said.

After a few days later, they released the song. The three of them were at their house celebrating. "We did it ladies. The song is released to the world." Luna said. "I say we go celebrate." Lynn said. "Let's have some drinks tonight." Mia suggested as she took a bottle of vodka from her bag.

The three then got drunk last night cause them to nearly having an orgy, but they already passed out from a couple of drinks because of 1 reason, they are very, and I mean very light drinkers. So the three of them were hung over on the next morning.

It doesn't matter to them if they were hangover, but what matters to them that is that they've had fun celebrating it.


See ya next time, I might finish this already.

Total Words: 859

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