Chapter 11: The Favors

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Sorry that this took so long to upload, I just release a new book called More than a Sibling in my page. Just look it up, its already in Chapter 2. Anyways, enjoy.

Lucy ran all the way to her parents until Lynn caught up with her to stop her from telling. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!! Were dead if you told them. Or any of them." Lynn told Lucy. "That's the idea genius." Lucy said aggravated.

"Please Lucy don't tell them, I'll do anything." Lynn begged on her knees. The one word that made everyone in their heads to make do what they must do. Lucy hearing Lynn said that phrase is like poetry to her ears.

"Alright, for 10 favors." Lucy said with an evil smirk on her face. "WHAT! THAT'S CRAZY!" Lynn said shock. "MOM, DAD, LYNN IS IN A RELA-..." Lucy started to shout to get some attention. But Lynn covered her mouth. "OK OK I'll do it." Lynn said.

"You're gonna be a bitch to me for 10 favors, hahahahaha asshole." Lucy thought to herself. "You fucking bitch gonna pay for this." Lynn thought to herself with a pissed look. The two went back into their room. Lucy started to make her first favour. "Your 1st favour is that you need to wear this until the 10th favour." Lucy showed Lynn a servant uniform

"Lynn Loud doesn't wear skirts." Lynn said. "OK, I guess that I'll have to tell mom and dad your secret." Lucy said. "Fine, I'll wear the stupid dress." Lynn said. She went into the bathroom and wore the dress.

Lucy waited for her inside her room. Minutes later, she came out wearing the uniform. "Happy now." Lynn said in an irritating voice. Lucy smiled slightly just to prove to Lynn that it is a yes answer. "2nd favour is that you need to get my homemade blood at the fridge." Lucy commanded.

Lynn bow to her and left to go to the kitchen. Luna then came into the kitchen. "Woah dude, why are you dressed like that?" Luna asked. "She looks so cute in that dress." she thought. "Lucy made me wear it." Lynn said. "Why?" Luna asked again. "Because she knows about the secret." Lynn said. "You've gotta be kidding me." Luna said in a surprise.

"If I refused her biddings, she's going to tell on us." Lynn explained. "Be careful OK." Luna said giving her a good luck kiss. Lynn nods as a respond. Lynn went upstairs holding a lunch box container that is full of homemade blood and has a handwriting from Lucy that says 'Lucy's, DON'T TOUCH.'

Lynn gave her the container. "You've done well mortal servant." Lucy said. "What's next?" Lynn waiting for her next request. "The 3rd is that you should clean my coffin." Lucy got another command from Lynn. Lynn cleaned her coffin. While she was cleaning, she got a clear view of Lucy.

She was writing in her diary. "What is she writing in her diary. I'm guessing that it has something to do later." Lynn thought as kept cleaning her coffin. As soon she was done cleaning, she was for her 'master's' request.

"Your 4th favour is that you should go to the supermarket and get these things for me." Lucy gave her a list of items that she needs. She also gave Lynn some money to buy the items.

As Lynn went to the supermarket to buy some groceries, meanwhile at the house, Lucy was at home just writing in her diary at her room. Someone came into the room and just bashed. "Oh Hi Lucy." the person greeted. "Oh, hi Lana." Lucy greeted her. "Lucy, have you seen Lynn?" the little blonde asked.

"She went out to buy some things at the supermarket." Lucy explained. Lana was a bit sad when she heard that. "OK, tell her I need her when she comes back." Lana gave Lucy a favor. "I promise I'll tell her." Lucy said.

After she went to get Lucy's groceries. Lynn already made it home. She was a bit confused on why would Lucy be interested in buying a stick of butter. But she just gave her the bag of groceries that was written on her list. "Very well sister. Your 5th favour is you should go see Lana. She's looking for you." Lucy said. Lynn was about to go outside until Lucy spoke up again.

"A 5th and 6th favour. While you're playing with Lana. Don't talk to Luna. I'll be watching you." Lucy commanded with a dead look in her eye. Lynn got used to her scariness cause they're both roommates.

Lynn found Lana playing in the backyard. Lana saw her in an instant and was hugging her. She then noticed her outfit. "Why are you wearing that maid outfit?" Lana asked. "I lost a bet to Lucy." Lynn lied. "Must have been a bet huh." Lana said. "Yeah, hell of a bet." Lynn said.

The two then played for two hours. Their clothes are all muddy now. "Good to be playing with you Lynn." Lana said. "You too Lans." Lynn said. After parting ways, Lynn saw Luna sitting on the couch. Luna saw her lover walking by.

"Hi Lynnie." Luna said but Lynn just ignored her because she remembered what Lucy told her. "Sorry about this one Lunes. I have no choice." Lynn thought and shed a tear a bit not showing to Luna.

"Six favors done, four to go." Lynn thought. In her room, Lucy was now writing her poems. The two. " Another double favor, for the whole day. We're going shopping. Just the two of us." Lucy said.

The two then went shopping at the mall. Lynn just stayed silent until the trip. Lucy went to the shop that sells bikinis. "This is the first time she ever gets excited to buy a bikini." Lynn thought. Lucy bought a 2- piece black and white diagonal-stripped bikini. They paid for the bikini and Lucy already wore it at the wardrobe and went home already.

They finally made to the house. The front door was locked which means everyone was out. So they checked the backdoor and it was open. "Good, we're all alone." Lucy thought to herself with a small smile. "What are you thinking right now Lucy?" Lynn asked. And she didn't answer. "Let's just go upstairs." Lucy said with an evil smirk and a sound of lust.

Lynn was scared of what's going to happen next. Their inside their room. "Lock the door." Lucy said as Lynn did locked the door. "What are we doing now Lucy?" she asked. "Strip." she commanded. "What?" Lynn got confused. "I said STRIP!" Lucy yelled at her which scared her even more.

"I thought I shouldn't remove this until the final favour." Lynn said. "This are the last 2 favours. This is the first." Lucy said. Lynn did strip with her under garments as remains. While she was stripping, Lucy also stripped her clothes with the bikini that she bought a while ago.

Now Lucy was holding the stick of butter that she let Lynn buy. "Here we are the final favour. Its the very easiest favour I could gave you." Lucy said. "Which is?" Lynn is already frightened. "Take my virginity Lynn. Take it all." Lucy said with lust.

"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!!! NO WAY I WOULD DO THAT TO MY SISTER." Lynn exclaimed. "But you had sex with Luna and Lincoln." Lucy said in a sarcastic voice. "Touche." Lynn said. And she did took her virginity.

She scrubbed the stick of butter onto Lucy's pale body. She then licked every stain of butter that she have had on her body, especially in her clit. Lucy is moaning passionately very loudly as she lick the butter stain on her clit. As they were already finished on love making. Lucy already lost her virginity to Lynn and Lynn was feeling devastated on what she had done.

"Alright you're already done with your favors. I promise to keep your secret with Luna." Lucy said still tired at her exercise with Lynn. "Don't mention it Lucy. I'm just glad its over." Lynn said in a sad tone.

Someone then opened the door, there were two of them. "What is going on in here?!!" One of the person yelled in anger. Both of them closed their eyes. The two sisters were shocked about that they got caught closed their private parts with their hands. "Mom, Dad its not what it looks like." Lynn said. It was revealed that it was the parents.

"YOU TWO ARE GROUNDED!!! UNLESS SOMEONE EXPLAINS ON WHAT'S GOING ON!!! UNDERSTAND!!!" Lynn Sr. yelled at her daughters causing them to get grounded. Their was in shocked of disbelief.

Oh no, what's going to happen next? See you in the next chapter.


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