Chapter 9: Alternating Activities

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What activities are they talking about? I guess we will see, Enjoy.

5 Months Later

Friday afternoon at Royal Woods High

Luna was walking her way out to the school hallway when she saw the activity poster sign that says.





"Hmm... better tell Lynn about this one." Luna thought to herself. As she took a picture Luna rushed outside the parking lot to wait and look for Lori. Minutes later, she found her three other sisters inside the van. "Hey Luna, how is your day?" Leni greeted her. "Its good news, there is going to have a battle of the bands this year." she said with excitement. "When is it going to happen?" Lori asked. "5 weeks from now." Luna answered. Lori then stopped at the Royal Woods Middle School to get Lynn.

They waited for a while and saw Lynn holding a soccer ball with a bruise on her right leg and left elbow. "I guess she is done with practice." Luna thought to herself. Lynn got in the van, she sat down next to Luna. "Hey Lynn. How's practice?" Lori asked the sporty brunette. "Two minor bruises, but still good." Lynn said with pride. "Yeah you do." Luna said with a smirk. Lynn knew what she meant and she punched her arm. The other two sisters didn't get it, but Luan did.

Then they got the rest of them at the Royal Woods Elementary, Lincoln sat next to Lynn, while the other four got in the back seats. They talked in the van that felt like hours. They reached home, now doing their normal routine that they do. Luna then talk to Lynn, who was practicing with her soccer ball. No one else was in the backyard. "Hey boo." Luna said as she kissed Lynn. "Want some help cleaning that bruise?" Luna asked her. "Nah, I served this as a memento now." Lynn said still energized. "What do you want to talk about?" she asked.

Luna showed her the picture of the poster. "Holy shit!, when will it happen?" she asked. "In 5 weeks." Luna answered. "Hey Lunes, can I ask you a favor?" Lynn said. "Sure Lynn, what is it." "Can you teach me how to play some instruments?" "Sure, anything for my "girlfriend"." Luna whispered the last thing she said which made Lynn blush. "But you've got to give something back to me." she added. "Anything Lunes, name it" "Just teach some few sports to play." "That's it." she said confused. "OK then." she added. "Wanna start now?" Luna asked, "Right now?!" "Well if you want to?" "Then what are we waiting for, lets go." Lynn said as Luna grabbed Lynn's arm and dragged her into her shared room.

Luna and Luan's room

"Now what do you want to learn first?" Luna said. "Uhhhhhhh..."

1 hour later

Luna almost lost her patience because Lynn couldn't pick an instrument. She took deep breaths to keep herself calm. "OK, lets first start with the basics like the cymbals and the triangle." Luna said to her until one of their sisters came in the room. "Hey guys." the sister said. "Hey Leni." both said in unison. Their ditsy sister asked "What are you guys doing?" "Teaching Lynn how to play the triangle." Luna answered her question. "I thought you can only draw them." Leni said which made the two face palmed. "It's a different kind of triangle, anyway what are you doing here?" Lynn said. "I'm looking for Lincoln, have you guys seen him?" Leni asked. "No" both answered. "He promised me that he is going to be my fashion mannequin." Leni said in a sad tone.

"Uh dude, have youtried looking at his room?" Luna said. "That's where I'm heading next anyways,see you later." Leni said. "See ya." Lynn said. Leni already left. "OK wherewere we?" she added. "Triangle." Luna said. "Oh right." Lynn said. The two werein her room for hours. After the triangle and the cymbals, she then practicedthe drums, keyboard, and finally the guitar.

The two took nearly 2 hours to finish

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The two took nearly 2 hours to finish. "Thanks Lunes for teaching me some few instruments." Lynn said. "No problem lil duddette... I mean Lynnie, when are you going to teach me some sports?" Luna said. "Tomorrow Lunes... tomorrow." Lynn blushed a bit to what Luna called her and Luna respond with a nod. "See ya tomorrow Lunes or maybe until dinner comes." The two both laughed at her comment. "Yeah." Luna said.

Nighttime comes

"Kids dinner!" their dad shouted. Everybody was running downstairs and run into the dining room. After dinner, everyone was in their ritual routine, except for Lynn, who is still practicing the guitar in her room. Lucy entered their room.

Lynn and Lucy's room

"Hey is that Luna's guitar?" Lucy asked. "Yeah, she let me borrowed it for a while. Why'd ya ask?" Lynn answered her. "Its just kinda weird." Lucy said. "What do you mean Luce?" Lynn asked. "I mean you trying out something new." Lucy said. "Says the one who has a statue as a boyfriend." Lynn sassed at her roommate. "Don't put Edwin into this, hiss." Lucy 'hissed' as she covered his ears. "Just don't interrupt much OK." Lynn commanded her and she nodded as an answer.

Lynn is just practicing with Luna's guitar, until she realized that this was a perfect opportunity to tell her sister. "Lucy, I gotta tell you something." Lynn said. "What is it Lynn?" Lucy asked in her monotone voice. "I-...I- I'm in love with-" Lynn was about to say who her love until Lucy stopped her. "I know already Lynn so shut up! Its Luna isn't it?!" Lucy said a bit aggravated but still in her monotone voice.


Sorry that its been a while. I really need my schedule to be fixed maybe in Christmas or New Years is my next upload. See you in the next chapter.

Total Words: 1017

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