Chapter 21: The Comeback III: The Train and Play

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Unoriginal title for this chapter. I'll make this story up to between 30-35 chapters now that's it. Let's get on with it.

The two are on Luna's bed, cuddling and still sleeping peacefully together. As the sun is rising, Luna was the first one to wake up. As she first open her eyelids, all she saw is her athletic sister-girlfriend, sleeping peacefully. As Lynn was still sleeping in all of this, Luna smiled.

Luna's POV

After what I heard about yesterday from her, and I mean her, she said that she wrote that song for me. This Lynn has changed since we were teens, from a gloating sports star to a more peaceful and a good sport kind of sports star.

Speaking of sports, I only played a little when we were separated. I haven't asked Lynn to teach me yet. I'm sure that she will help me, might be after we finished her song. I was blushing so hard and my insides feel wet every time I ever thought about it.

As I kept looking at her, she soon woke up. She was a bit shocked that I she saw me staring at her, then she just wanted to stare back at me. We went silent for a while until I spoke up first. "Mornin" I greeted her. "Mornin to ya to Lunes" she greeted back.

I thought about something that I want to ask her. "Did you really mean it?" "About what?" she genuinely wondered. "About what you said last night. That you wrote that song for me?" I asked confusingly. "Yeah, I'm just pointing it out there that song was intact for you." Lynn said.

I blushed so hard that I was like a kettle about to boil. "Someone's blushing I see." Lynn smirked. "No I'm not." I said denying the fact that I'm really blushing. "Sure you're not." she said still smirking at me. I groaned a little in annoyance.

"But I need one favor from you." Lynn said to her. "What is it?" I asked. "I know that you promised already about this. But if anyone asked who the song is for. The answer is no comment. Clear?" Lynn said to me. "Crystal" I said.

I then gave her a peck on the lips, which she also did back. "Come on, let's have breakfast and finish your song that you wrote." I said as I got out of bed, still naked. "Oh, yeah I also need a favor." I added. I noticed Lynn blushing that she realized that I was naked.

"Who's blushing now?" I asked her back with a smirk and a grin. "Just get dressed already and tell me your favor." Lynn said as covered her eyes with the blanket and was still blushing from the embarrassment. "As were done with your song, can you teach me more about sports?" I asked still hiding in the blanket.

"Sure, but didn't you practice while you're on tour?" Lynn asked back. "Just a little, and since now that you're here, now you can teach me some more." I said as I was nearly dressed. "Wait don't we have a full day today?" Lynn wondered.

"Well, Mr. Smith allows us to take a day off if we finish a song, or at least 2-3 songs. Plus, the song is nearly done and we can hang out more." I said as we both smile. "Fine, I'll just get dressed and let's go. Oh, and don't forget to bring a pair of joggers & a t-shirt." Lynn said to her.

I texted Mia that she should bring some sports attire, she complained a little then I told her the reason why she needs to bring it. She agreed on the terms that she will bring her own sports attire.

We then left off at home to go to work with Mia. When we arrived at the office, I told Mr Smith. that we're half way done at the song then he said to us "That's good, as long as you finish the song, you can have a break."

As soon as I was about to leave, he then asked me something. "If you don't mind me asking, who wrote that song, and who is it for?" "Believe it or not, Lynn wrote this song, the other answer to your question sir is 'no comment', sorry if I said that." I said. "Carry on then." Mr. Smith said.

"I'm impressed, I guess she learned a lot from her sister." Mr. Smith complimented. "Why sir, thanks for the compliment." I was pretending to be shock at his comment. "Just get back to your work already." he said.

I then went back to our studio room to continue our work on my sister-girlfriend's song. After a few hours, we already finished it. In the nick of time too, because it was already lunch time. After lunch, Mia, Lynn and I went to a nearby soccer field.

"Good thing that I brought a ball in this trip." Lynn said. "Alright, let's play." Mia said as she was pumped up after the song was done. "Have you ever played soccer before?" I asked. "Yeah, when I was in elementary, I played in a little league," Mia told about it, as Lynn already started to teach me play for real, while Mia was the assistant coach.

We did then some little training. I gotta say, her training is quite extreme, so much for me cause I can't keep up with her. But as the training was done, she was already teaching me how to play.

It took 2 hours to train and play, during those 2 hours, were like 30 minutes at the field and a paparazzi was surrounded around the field. As the paparazzi was keeping us in track, we're done training. As were finished, the paparazzi keeps asking us random questions.

The only one that I answered a question is that somebody asked that "Why are you playing soccer?" "I just want to try something new, plus more bonding with my sister and best friend." I answered in a nice tone.

After we played, and got out of the paparazzi, we've headed home early with Mia. We bought take-out on the way home and ate at our place. We were talking at dinner, we talk about the song and other stuff.

Lynn then spoke up while we were eating. "I think I know what to call the song." she said while we're eating. "What is it then?" Mia asked. "How about,... Just You & I." Lynn revealed the name of the song. "I like that one." Mia complimented. "I... really LOVED it." I said.

"I knew that you would." Lynn said as I respond with a smile on my face which she also did the same. "How about let's watch a movie or something, after this." Mia said as she took another bite of her food.

"I brought some clothes and I told my parents that I could stay here for the night." she informed the two. "I don't mind for a sleepover." Lynn said. "Sure thing dude." I said. Then as we finished eating and cleaning up our mess at the table, we took our respective showers and get changed to our night clothes to start our movie watching.

They we started to watch a movie about a badass girl who recently got a break-up with her supposed 'love'. Then became a leader to a group to take down a black who was on his bounty to kill the girl. Then the movie has finished, and we enjoyed it.

"What a movie." Mia said. "Right, that is one badass chick." I said. "I think I already know someone who is a badass herself." Lynn said. "I'm thinking the same thing too." I said with a grin on my face. "YOU!, ME!" we both answered in unison (A.N.: if this confused you, in short, Luna answered first then Lynn followed up).

"What's your favorite part of the film?" Mia asked the two. "Mines the fight scene." Lynn told her choice. "What about you Luna?" Mia asked me. "I just like the movie actually." I answered. "Really?" Mia added. "Yeah dude, I can't really tell what my favorite part is." I said.

They just shrugged it off and just went to sleep already. Having a peaceful night in Miami.


See you next time, bye.

Total Words: 1417

A Sister's LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora