Chapter 10: Lucy's Flashback

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Looks like Lucy already figured it out. What will she say to Lynn? Guess will find out. Enjoy

Lynn was so shocked to what she just knew. "H-how did you know? More likely, when did you know?" Lynn said in terror. "5 months ago." Lucy said.

5 Months Ago (Lucy's POV)

I was just reading some of my poems in the vents, then I heard someone sighing in their room. It was Luna, I guess she's still upset about her break-up with her girlfriend. "What did I do wrong?" Luna said in a sad tone while her cellphone with a picture of her and Sam. Then I heard knocking on the door. "Lynn, what are you doing?" I thought to myself. "Well, I was thinking about a sister bonding just us if you're cool with it." as Lynn suggested. "Sure brah lets do it" as Luna agreed to go out with Lynn.

"Hmmm... a sister bonding. What are you up to Lynn Loud? Sigh, they have been gone for almost the entire day." I said keep thinking to myself. Until dad called us for dinner. "Where did Lynn and Luna go dad?" I asked him. "Well Lucy, they asked me and you mother that they will go somewhere just to clear their heads after a tiring week at school. Why'd ya ask?" he said. "Just wondering why." I said. After dinner, I just continued writing poems in my room since Lynn went out. I wrote some poems until I fall asleep.

I woke up the next morning with Lynn on her side of the bed. I sneaked up on her while she was still sleeping. And when she woke up, she scared the hell out of herself cause I "scared" her. Then she asked me about love. I don't even know much. I'm surprised that out of all the people, why me and not Lori.

Then Lynn left the room and straight went to downstairs. While I was waiting in line to the bathroom. Then after I took a bath, I went downstairs straight to the dining table and eat. Luan and I cleaned the table and after that we went our Saturday rituals. I just make some more poems in my room while Lynn was out on practice. A few hours later Lincoln came into my room for a favor. "Hey Lucy, can you help me with something?" he asked for a favor. "Sure what is it?" I said. "I believe there are some bats in my room. Can you get them all out please." he said. "What a wuss you are big brother." I said in thought. "OK then." I said.

Then I went to his room and got all the bats out of his room with my command and went to my side of the room. Then there was a meeting at the living room to where we should go on our yearly trip. We had picked to where will go. The choices are between the beach, camp in the woods, or a vacation at a hotel resort.

My turn to vote, I picked to camp in the woods. But the winner was a trip to the hotel resort. Even though I'm a bit disappointed, I got no choice but to went along with it. After the meeting, we went and packed a bit, we're going to the mall since we don't have much to use for our trip. I saw Lynn's side, she's fully packed. "You've packed a lot lately." I said. "Yeah, its my pick and got lucky with it." Lynn said.

"What are you going to buy?" I asked. "Maybe a new swimsuit, I dunno, whatever I find I guess. How about you Luce?" she said. "2 bottles of sunscreen." I said. "Kids, get inside the car!" their mom said. "You go ahead, I have to use the bathroom." Lynn lied so that she can get to Luna's room. "OK." I said.

I already went inside the van waiting for my siblings. After a few minutes, we're still in the driveway because Lynn and Luna are not in yet, so dad commanded Lincoln to get them. Then, he already got the two. The two are acting weird lately. I was quiet throughout the trip in the van. Now that we're at the mall, we went on our separate ways.

On the way back home, with loads of shopping bags in the back, we were very happy on what we bought, even though I was not smiling on the outside, but I am on the inside. We were watching T.V. afterwards, and then Lincoln went upstairs to get his things that he bought. Followed by Lynn and Luna. After they got upstairs, I've waited for a few minutes to get up. And when I went into my room, Lynn was not there.

I heard someone talking, it's coming from Lincoln's room. I can't let them see me, so I went into the vents to listen and what I heard was so shocking to hear. I just found out that why are they acting so weird. Its because they're a couple. Does he supports this kind of love? If he did, how could he.

Gotta get down fast so that I can't get caught. I got out of the vents very fast. Crap!, she in the room. She was going in the other room to just get her stuff because she's going to sleepover at Luna and Luan's side of the room. Good thing though, I'm gonna get my stress release by writing some poems. Finally alone time in my room and no one to ruin this perfect evening.

I was on my way to a Vampires of Melancholia convention anyway with the Mortician's Club. So long day for me and going to ask a lot of questions, especially to the actor who played Edwin.

When I got home, I got some time to meet up with Lynn. "Have been in the house all day?, follow up question, Why didn't you change your clothes?" I asked. "1. Yes, secondly, cause I don't feel like it. So how's the convention?" she said. "It was fun." I said with a soft smile on my face. "Its been a while since I saw get this excited." Lynn said. "I know, anyway get change already." I said back in my monotone voice. "Nah, this is a challenge for me anyways." Lynn said. I just went upstairs instead anyway back in my room.

So I waited for dinner to come and go before I go this place of troublesome called "school" tomorrow. Sigh, Monday morning starts school. I hate Mondays. I thought to myself.


Finally, its Friday we'll go to the resort tomorrow. Better get to sleep.

A few hours later

I was sleeping already. Then when opened my eyes for a bit and I saw Lynn's side of the bed, she wasn't sleeping at her side. I heard voices in the vents, so I went up to the vents. Now the voices are getting louder since I went up on it. It looks like it came from Lincoln's side of the room.

Please don't think what you're doing. And I saw Lynn and Luna are doing the forbidden love on Lincoln. Lynn you son of a bitch. How dare you do this, and involved two more people who I trust so much. "Lucky us, no one went inside the room." Luna said as I was watching on the vent. "Yeah, lucky us." Lynn said as I was so frustrated as I watch the people, who I thought I trust, make love to each other in lust.

I've headed back to my room in frustration as I got back to sleep. Now I keep having this nightmares inside my head, I still can't get over it. When I woke up I was still tired. Lynn just came into the room. "Where have you been?" I asked. Lynn sweats with lots of pinballs.

"Exercising." she said. "Exercising with Lincoln and Luna in his bed asshole." I thought in a very mad experession. "In that." I asked. "Yeah, why?" "Oh nothing."

Then I went outside to see Luan so mad. I just don't want to intervene with her. Maybe she knows about them.

Night time at the resort

Now that we're at the resort, I'm with mom, Leni, Luna, Lola, and Lily to share a room at the resort. My bitchy roomie/ sister called me pale. So I had some time at the sun. I still didn't work. Everyone, but Mom, went to sleep. I asked permission to her that I'll be a while in the hot tub.

She allowed me, I told her that Luna was also there at the hot tub (eventually I lied because I really know what's happening). I'm on my way to the hot tub, when I found the two, Lincoln, and surprisingly, Luan.

Luan is sucking his member and I really feel so angry if she is also included. Maybe she forced herself if she didn't get included. After Lincoln and Luan left, I saw Luna and Lynn kissed each other like there's no tomorrow. I'm already in my boiling point. That's it, I've had enough.

Back to the present

"That's it! I'm telling mom and dad." an angry Lucy said to Lynn. "SHIT!" Lynn cursed in her thought.


Total Words: 1572

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