Chapter Nine

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   The week had gone by in a blur. Before Rarity knew it, she was off to see Tender Soul again. She wasn't sure what Tender Soul had in store for her this week, but she hoped that it would help. Her friends had noticed that she lost even more weight.

   When Rarity had weighed herself that morning, she had weighed only '105.4' pounds. Rarity could see the outline of her ribcage against her skin. She knew that she'd need to do something to help her develop a better mindset- before it was too late.

   After checking in with the receptionist and being called back to Tender Soul's office, she sat in the familiar seat across from her.

   "How was your week, Rarity?" Tender Soul asked with a warm smile.

   "It was fine in terms of friends and family," Rarity replied. "Nothing out of the ordinary."

   "I see," Tender Soul stated. "And how was your week in other terms- whatever those may be?"

   Rarity frowned. "I lost five pounds."

   "Oh." Tender Soul sat in silence for a moment before grabbing a dry erase marker and writing a large 'R' on the board. "Let's start your recovery path this week. Do you remember what the first 'R' meant?"

   "Yes," Rarity said. "Reclaim your life."

   "Right. That's the step we'll be working on passing off first. Reclaiming your life. How do you think you can show your mind that you're the one in control of those thoughts?" 

   Rarity thought in silence for a moment before sighing in defeat. "I'm afraid I don't have any ideas."

   "That's okay," Tender Soul reassured her. "That's what I'm here for. I can help spark some ideas." She thought for a moment. "Has your relationship with your parents changed at all?"

   "No, it's remained pretty much the same," Rarity replied.

   "Well... do you feel like you can talk to your parents about this issue?" Tender Soul wondered.

   Rarity shook her head. "I'm too frightened of what my parents will think."

   Tender Soul nodded. "I see. Do you feel as if this needs to change? Maybe... we need to develop a better relationship with one of your parents, so you have somebody to vent to? It might help you feel you can regain a sense of control."

   Rarity sat in silence. She wasn't sure if she wanted to depend upon her parents to talk about her problems. She always felt more comfortable telling her friends about issues she was struggling with. However, when her friends weren't around, Rarity knew she'd want somebody to talk to and Sweetie Belle was simply too young to fully comprehend the complexity of Rarity's disorder. 

   Finally, taking a deep breath, Rarity answered, "Yes. I think that would be a good first step."

   "Then here's what we'll need to do," Tender Soul told her, tearing a page of paper out of her notebook. She began to write down the steps Rarity needed to accomplish. "This week, I want you to do something with your father. Something that'll bring the two of you closer together. Something you can bond over. The best way to do this find something you have in common with him. Then after you have that bonding experience, try to reclaim control over thoughts that might push you to do something you'll regret. Got it?"


   Tender Soul handed the paper to Rarity and Rarity took it with a smile.

   "Now is there anything else you feel you need to talk with me about today?" Tender Soul inquired.

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