Chapter Eleven

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  (A/N: This story is dedicated to SapphireRose12 who has reached out to me via Private Messaging and told me how this story has opened her eyes to how she's struggling. Hope things get better for you and that you get the help you need!) 

   Tender Soul smiled at Rarity. "That sounds like a wonderful idea! Teaching people to embrace their bodies is a great career goal."

    "I'm glad you think so!" Rarity said, happily.

   "However, let's get down to business," Tender Soul told her. "Did you accomplish embracing the challenges in your recovery plan next week?"

   Rarity nodded. "Yes, I think I'm ready for the next step."

   "Great to hear!" Tender Soul replied. "Okay, your next assignment is to work on 'C'. You remember what 'C' is, correct?"

   "Correct. That's 'Climb to new heights'."

   "Right," Tender Soul affirmed. "And that means to pull yourself out of rock bottom by resisting the voices that claim they know what's best for you. They'll try to tell you that eating will make you unhappy and those that are trying to help you are against you. This week, I want you to work on learning to ignore them and do what you know is best for you." She smiled. "I think you can do that, can't you?"

   "I believe so," Rarity said. 

   "Perfect!" Tender Soul exclaimed. She paused for a moment before she snapped to life when a memory entered her mind. "Oh! That's right! I almost forgot to ask you about your Mom. Did you get the chance to bond with her last week?"

   "Yes!" Rarity answered. "In fact, she's the one who inspired me to create the body campaign." 

   "Oh, that's great!" Tender Soul said. "I do hope you continue to bond with your parents and spend time with them. This week, try taking a little time doing something you love to do."

    "I will," Rarity told her, honestly. "Thank you so much for your help. It means a lot to me."

    "That's what I'm here for," Tender Soul proclaimed. 

    As Rarity left the office, she placed her hand upon Tender Soul's door with a smile. She was glad that she had a therapist that really seemed to care about her patients.


   If there was anything Rarity knew she loved off of the top of her head, it was shopping. So rightfully, to spend time doing something she adored, she went to the mall. Her sister, Sweetie Belle, had offered to come along and help her pick out some brand new outfits. Now that she had lost weight, Rarity had dropped sizes and no longer fit in almost everything she owned. However, she didn't want to tell Sweetie Belle that. 

    "Thank you so much for helping me, Sweetie Belle," Rarity said. "I do agree with you. This shade of blue really seems to complement my skin tone."

    Sweetie Belle grinned. "I chose it because it brought out your eyes! You should wear it to school one of these days! Your friends are going to love it!"

    Rarity giggled. "Oh, thank you, Sweetie Belle. My friends don't pay much attention to fashion, but I'd love to know that I look fierce in this dress anyway!"

    Rarity and Sweetie Belle exchanged a laugh. It felt good to share laughter with somebody she truly cared for. Especially since Sweetie Belle was quickly growing older and soon, the two sisters wouldn't be able to see each other as often.

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