Chapter Twenty

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   During her following therapy appointment with Tender Soul, Rarity was eagerly recounting the events that had happened during lunch with her friends. She put emphasis on the fact that she could finally eat without the guilt that usually followed. 

    "Wow, Rarity," Tender Soul told her, wiping tears from her eyes. "I am so proud of you. As your therapist and your friend." 

     "Thank you," Rarity said, touched by Tender Soul's kind words. 

    "Well Rarity..." Tender Soul began. She trailed off, but stared at her notebook with a smile.

    "What is it?" 

     Tender Soul looked up at her with a sense of pride in her eyes. "You've passed 'Y' which means that you've finished the recovery method. Rarity, you did it. You have beat your anorexia."

     Rarity felt like she was about to burst into tears- happy tears. She was overcome with a mixture of relief, joy, and accomplishment. "I-I have?" she stuttered.

     Tender Soul nodded. "Yes, Rarity! You have. Congratulations. Your friends, your family... I am proud of you. Everyone is so proud of you for coming this far." 

     "Thank you!" Rarity cried.

    Rarity sobbed in disbelief and happiness as Tender Soul watched her with a gentle smile. 

    "Rarity, you have finished the recovery method," Tender Soul stated. "But you're always welcome to keep coming to counseling for as long as you think you need it."

     "I think a few more sessions would do me good," Rarity told her, heaving in between her sobs. 

   Tender Soul giggled a little. "Then I can't wait to see you next time, Rarity." 

   As Rarity wiped away some of her tears, she looked at the blackened tips of her fingers. "And I have ruined my mascara," she declared. "You know, I don't know why I don't just buy waterproof mascara. It's not much more expensive than the normal kind." 

    Tender Soul chuckled. "That's alright, Rarity. Do you need a tissue, so you can clean up?"

    "Yes, please," Rarity replied, her cheeks tinted red with embarrassment. 

    Tender Soul gave Rarity a tissue, so she could wipe her eyes. After Rarity had finished cleaning the black streaks of mascara off of her face, she inhaled deeply and exhaled in bliss. She couldn't believe she had gotten this far, but she knew she truly it owed it all to her best friends. However, there was one in particular she was desperate to see.


    After Rarity had returned home from her therapy appointment, she'd texted Applejack right away, telling her about the new milestones she had hit. Applejack had replied with nothing but excitement. At once, Applejack signed onto the group chat and invited each of her friends to dinner to celebrate Rarity's achievements. 

     Now Rarity was preparing for the evening out with her friends. She was applying her mascara and fixing makeup that needed to be redone. As she was doing this, she saw the scale out of the corner of her eye. Once again, she felt temptations creep into her mind. I need to check my weight. I probably haven't done it in so long. What happens if I go out to eat and the numbers rise back up so high that I won't be able to get them back down again? 

   Rarity took a deep breath and turned away from the scale. "No, Rarity. Yearn for today in place of yesterday," she told herself. 

    Once Rarity had finished in the bathroom, she checked her phone to see that she had received a text message from Applejack:

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