Chapter Eighteen

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   Days later, Rarity was let out of the hospital. Granted, she was still critically underweight, but now it was something she sought to fix with the help of her friends. 

   Now Rarity was back at therapy with Tender Soul who was gravely concerned for her well-being. "I'm glad that you're alright, Rarity. We've had many clients like that here and well... not all of them are as fortunate as you."

   Rarity smiled. "Thank you, Tender Soul. I'm glad that you're concerned. Knowing that I have a therapist who's concerned and caring truly helps me to feel better about your advice." 

   "I'm glad," Tender Soul told her. "What on earth got you to this point?"

   "Well..." Rarity said, trying to recall the details. "I've been struggling to bring myself to eat recently. But never again! I promised my friends that I would recover and that's a promise that I intend to keep." 

    "I think you've finally found that strength that was inside of you all along," Tender Soul said, a smile flickering across her face. "Are you ready to finally accomplish that second 'E'?"

    "Yes," Rarity said. "Um..." She tapped her finger to her chin. "What was the second 'E' again?" 

    Tender Soul giggled. "Exchange unhelpful coping skills for helpful skills." 

    "Ah," Rarity said. "I think I can do that!"

    "Let's start here," Tender Soul said. She pulled out a notebook and pen. She clicked the pen twice before holding it over the paper to write. "What are some of the unhelpful coping skills that you have used while dealing with your anorexia?"

    Rarity thought for a moment before she answered, "I reminded myself that not eating would make the numbers on the scale go down."

    Tender Soul jotted her answer down on the notepad. "I see. What else?" 

   "I exercised," Rarity admitted. "I exercised a lot. I exercised to the point of throwing up." 

    "Exercise in general isn't an unhealthy coping skill, but overexercising sure is," Tender Soul affirmed, writing down her answer. "Is there anything else?"

   "Throwing food in the trash always brought me relief," Rarity said. "I also had a set of rules that I followed in my mind. Like, this food is unacceptable or this amount of calories is too much or you can't eat today at all."

    Tender Soul nodded, a solemn expression adorning her face. "Rarity, I'll tell you what. We're going to exchange each of these unhealthy coping skills with their healthy opposites. We'll start with reminding yourself that not eating will help you to lose weight. What is a healthier alternative?"

    Rarity smiled. "Reminding myself that not eating will cause me to be unhealthy and get sick." She paused. "Also, I could die."

   "You're absolutely right," Tender Soul told her. "Great! I'll write that down for you." She quickly jotted it down in her notebook. "Alright, let's move to the next one. Overexertion. What's a healthier alternative?"

   "Um... stopping the workout routine?" Rarity suggested.

   "You could do that," Tender Soul said. "But exercise is still good for you. It's knowing how to do it in moderation. Maybe you could find a form of exercise that you enjoy. Going dancing with friends? Going on a jog? Going on a nature walk? Whatever sounds best to you."

   Rarity smiled. "I like that idea."

   Once again, Tender Soul wrote it down for her. "Alright, now the last one you told me about was how throwing food in the trash brought you relief. How can we get that same feeling of relief in a way that's healthier for your eating?"

Faded Gem: A Story About Overcoming AnorexiaWhere stories live. Discover now