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SapphireRose120120 is back at it with another song and her lyrics are just as great as ever! Again, have no way to get the tune to you, but for now, the lyrics will suffice. Just read it as a poetic sort of thing, I guess. ^^ 

Again, I made sure to ask her permission to post her work here! This one is called 'Lost' and it's sung by Applejack when she's fearing for the life of Rarity in the hospital. It's so touching. It literally makes me want to cry. This girl's talent... just ugh! I swear! I want to be able to write lyrics like this. :'( 

Anyhow, here we go! Woo! 


Person Who's Speaking:

Lyrics here

Italics mean spoken dialogue


Lyrics and Music by SapphireRose120120

Waiting for her silently

Praying that she will stay

My body's aching

My heart is breaking

And I don't know what to say

Pacing on this stark white floor

Hoping she will win in the end

The sounds resounding of my heart pounding

She's so much more than a friend

Don't get lost on your journey to find us again

You don't know the cost of losing one of our best friends

Now I'm lost and I wish your hand was wrapped in mine

To help you see

To help you find your way back into our lives

Are you lost?

The harsh sounds of the monitor

The cries from our other friends

I want to wake up

Just let me wake up

Please let this nightmare end

There's a piece of my soul inside you

I don't want to lose you now

I am hoping

Cause I'm not coping

That they'll wake you somehow

If you're lost, I can guide you back to my arms

You knew the cost of causing yourself all this harm

Now I'm lost and I wish your arms were around me

To guide you back

To let you see what feelings you have stirred in me

Don't get lost

Don't go... 

Oh, btw, I'm also working on the next chapter of this story, so don't you fret. :) 

Faded Gem: A Story About Overcoming AnorexiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora