Chapter 2

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It was the first day of class, Cat showered, and got dressed and gathered her books. Tanner wakes up, Cat bathes him and dresses him. "Mommy has to go to school" She said. "Can I go to school with you?" Tanner asked. "I'm sorry hun, but you can't. You're going to be with Grandma." She replied. "But I wanna be with you" Tanner said. "I know honey. But I'll be back in a couple hours okay? We have to go to Grandma's now" She said while walking out the door and taking him to her mom's house. Cat knocks on her mom's door and mom opens. "Good morning loves" Mom said. "Here's Tanner, I'll be back in a couple hours okay? I love you both!" Cat said, kissing Tanner's cheek and hugging her mom. "Have a great day sweetie!" Mom said. "Bye mommy!" Tanner added. She then walks towards the school and goes to her first class. 
Yoongi woke up a few mins later, he sees that he's late but doesn't care, he showers and gets dressed then walks out, locking the door. 

Cat sat down and saw a familiar face, she avoid looking at him. The guy sits behind her "Well well well, Look who we have here" The guy said. Yoongi also has that class and walks towards them. "Hey leave her alone!" Yoongi said, The guy and Cat both look at him. "Who are you?" The guy said. "None of your business, just get your stuff and leave her alone" Yoongi replied. "Yoongi stop, no need to talk to him" Cat added. "Oh so is he like your boyfriend now? I always knew you were a slut" The guy said. Yoongi punched the guy in the face, The class saw them getting in a fight. "Stop it both of you!" Cat said while trying to separate them. The Professor called Campus Security and escorted them out. "I can not believe what just happened, and on the first day of classes. If either of you do anything again, you will be kicked out of this university, do I make myself clear"  The Admin said. "Yes Ma'am" All 3 of us replied. "You 3 are lucky I didn't just kicked y'all out.. But I feel like you are better than this" She walks away. "Look what your boyfriend did" The guy said "S Coups, Just stop talking" She walks off to class. Yoongi looks at the guy, he seems familiar "If you call her a slut again, consider yourself dead" He said, glaring at him.

"You don't know her like I do" S Coups replied. Yoongi remembered where he seen him. "You're the dick who left her" He replied. "I left her? Wow, I'm glad how she changed the story" S coups said. "She doesn't seem like that, you left her when she told you she was pregnant with YOUR baby. And so you abandon her and Tanner" Yoongi said. "Tanner..... She named him Tanner?" S Coups replied. "Yeah but why would you care" Yoongi said as he walked off. S Coups stood there, blood dripping from his cheek. He remembers a flashback to when he and Cat were dating, he remember saying if he ever has a son, He wants to name him Tanner. He then walks to First Aid.
After class Cat walked towards Yoongi "What the hell is wrong with you?!" She said angrily. "What? You don't think he deserved it?" Yoongi replied. "Yes I mean no.. I mean... Because of your actions, I almost got kicked out of school!" she said. "Relax cupcake" He walks away. "Did he just call me 'Cupcake' " She said to herself, and walked to her next class. She sits beside her best guy friend Hoseok. "Cat, are you okay?" he asked. "No, My new roommate got into a fight with S Coups and almost got all 3 of us kicked out." She said.

"Wow, your new roommate sounds like a terrible person. Do I know him?" Hoseok asked. "I don't think so, you wouldn't wanna meet him either..." She said. "Why do I get the feeling you have a small crush on him?" Hoseok asked. Cat sighed "Idk... when I look at him, my heart beats like crazy.... But I can't think of that. Right now I have to focus on my studies and on Tanner. Hey you wanna come over so we can chill?" She asks while slowly taking out her Juul Pod, Hoseok nodded. The 2 took out their laptops and started typing down their work. Class was over "Do you have any classes next?" Cat asked. "No do you?" Hoseok also asked. "I do at 8pm" She replied. "Do you wanna get some food?" Hoseok asked. "Sure, How about Chick fil a?" Cat replied. "Sounds good" He said. They both walked into Chick fil a and ordered food, Cat orders an 8 count nugget meal for her and a kids meal for Tanner, Hoseok ordered a Chick fil a Deluxe meal with Sprite. "Hold up, I have to pick up Tanner at my mom's house." Cat said. "That's okay, I'll come with you" Hoseok replied. He's really good friends with her mom and Tanner. 

Cat knocks on the door and her mom opens it "Hey Cat and Hey Hoseok! How are y'all?" Mom said while getting Tanner. "Mommy! Hobi!" Tanner said happily. "Hey babe, Mommy brought Chick fil a!" She said. Tanner jumped around. "Come on Tanner, let's go home and eat" Cat said while holding Tanner's hand. "Bye Mrs. Gomez" Hoseok said. "Bye Hoseok! Bye Loves!" Mom said as they all waved back. They arrive at Cat's house and put the food on the table and eat. "What a day, I really hope tomorrow won't be bad"Cat said. "Is your roommate here?" Hoseok asked. "I don't think so" Cat said. They finish eating, she throws away the trash. "Wanna go outside now?" Cat asked. "Sure" Hoseok replied. "Tanner stay inside and watch TV" Cat said while she turns on the TV and puts Tanner's fave show. She and Hoseok go out into the balcony and start vaping, Tanner stays in and watches TV.

Yoongi opens the door and sees Tanner. "Sup little man" Yoongi said. "Hi" Tanner replied. "Is mommy home?" He asked. "She is outside with Hobi" Tanner said. He thinks about what Tanner said "Hobi?" He asked himself. He looks out and sees her with Hoseok, he then walks out "Hoseok????" Yoongi asked. Cat and Hoseok look back "Yoongi??" Hoseok said. 

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