Chapter 28

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Yoongi walks into class 20 mins late. "Well well well, look who decided to show up." Professor said as Yoongi walks right pass him. Ignoring him. Yoongi looks around and doesn't see Cat or S Coups. "Hey where's Cat and that retard S Coups?" Yoongi asked. "How should I know, they both ran out of here." Professor said. Yoongi looks at the door and runs out too. "Are you fucking kidding me right now. Maybe one punishment isn't enough." Professor said as he sees Yoongi run out.

S Coups is waiting in the bathroom. (It's a co-ed bathroom) "Cat? Are you okay?" S Coups asks. "Are you alone?" Cat asks. "Yeah" S Coups replies. "Come inside" Cat says as she unlocks the door, S Coups slowly walks inside the bathroom stall. He looks at her and she shows him 2 positive pregnancy tests. S Coups eyes widen. "You're... you're pregnant?" S Coups says as he looks at her. Cat nods her head yes, her eyes get watery. S Coups hugs her tight and she hugs him tight too. "You're having my 2nd child" S Coups says as he smiles. "Yes" Cat replies as she rubs her belly. S Coups puts his hand on her belly too. "Wow... um we should probably get back to class..." S Coups said. "Yeah.. we should..." Cat says as they both walk out of the bathroom and walks into class.

"Soo why did y'all thought it was a great idea to run out of my class room? What's more important out there than in here?" Professor asked. "I uh.. wasn't feeling good so I ran to the bathroom." Cat says as she walks to her seat. "And you were feeling sick too I assume?" Professor asked S Coups. "No, I ran after her to make sure she's okay." S Coups said as he walks to his seat. "Wow, anyways class..." Professor said as he continued his lecture. "Yoongi still isn't here?" Cat said. "Idk" S Coups replies. Yoongi walks back into class and sees S Coups and Cat. "Now where did you go?" Professor asked Yoongi. Yoongi walked right by him again and "What the fuck did you do to Cat that made her run out of here??!!" Yoongi said as he yelled at S Coups. "I didn't do anything to her, why you always gotta be so butt hurt... geez" S Coups replied. "I'm sure you said something stupid and made her mad." Yoongi said. "Well I didn't make her mad but definitely made something in her. Tell him Cat" The entire class listens to their conversation.
"Tell me what? That you and her fucked? I know that. That's where that hickey came from. She claims it was from a play but I know damn well it was from you." Yoongi said as he clinches his fist. "Okay yes it was from him. I'm getting real tired of both of you acting like children and fighting over small shit. Yes I'm pregnant with his 2nd baby. Okay there I said it!" Cat got up and ran out of class again.

"Look what the fuck you did, made her leave again." Yoongi said. "Me? You're the one who made her leave with that yelling." S Coups replied. "So obviously you 2 motherfuckers don't listen. Well how about you 2 will clean this classroom every single day until I know you 2 have grown up. And believe me, I will make this place a huge ass mess. Class dismissed" Professor said as he looks at Yoongi and S Coups. "Great job asshole, now we have to clean this room every day now." Yoongi said. "Again with accusing me of stuff you did. If you would have talked like a normal person and not yell, we wouldn't be in this mess" S Coups says. "And honestly, Cat probably hates us for sure now... hope you're happy." S Coups said as he got his things and walked out. Yoongi sees him leave and later ran up to him. "Hey.. you're right... sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. It's just that, I have serious anger issues and because of that I ruin relationships... I'm surprised that my members of BTS are my friends... because I make them mad a lot too with my behavior..." Yoongi looks down. "Hey, I get it... I don't have serious anger issues but arguing is the one thing I'm good at.... I'm also sorry. I want to be your friend.. but it's like you don't want to be my friend, which is understandable." S Coups says.

"Hey, how about let's start all over. I know this whole thing isn't your fault. It's that girl Brittany who spread those lies.. she's the one we should get mad at." Yoongi replies. "Yeah.. Cat and my sister Sulli were best friends and because of Brittany.. she ruined their relationship. Sulli was gonna come to this school but then she chose not to because she knew Cat was coming to this school...  I honestly have no idea where Sulli is or how she's doing.." S Coups' eyes get watery. "I'm sorry man, let's try to be friends okay?" Yoongi says. "Okay" S Coups replies.

Cat continued running and wiping her tears until she bumped into someone. It looked like he was a senior. She dropped her books and the senior guy helped her. "I'm so sorry!" Cat said as she looks at the guy. "It's okay." Guy said. Cats eyes widen, she has never seen someone so hot. "I'm Baekhyun... and you are??" Guy said "I'm Cat.." she blushes a bit. "Aww nice, I like cats" Baekhyun said. He sees that she was crying. "Hey are you okay? Is something wrong?" Baekhyun said. "Huh? Oh no... it's nothing, trust me.. I'm fine" Cat says as she continues to look at him. "Well okay.. see you around Cat!" Baekhyun said as he waves and walks to his class.
"See you Baekhyun!" Cat smiles as she waves back and sighs. 'He's So handsome' she says to herself. "You know he's one of the richest people who goes here. His family owns this school" Hoshi said. Cat looks at Hoshi "Wow really?" Cat said. "Yup, but I've heard stories of that, I never met him and he doesn't talk to just anyone. So you're lucky he talked to you." Hoshi said. "Hmm wow" Cat replied. "Well see you Cat, can't be late for my calculus class" Hoshi said as he walks to his class. "Bye Hoshi!" Cat said as he continues to look in the direction Baekhyun went.

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