Chapter 24

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It was the next morning, Cat woke up and showered in Yoongi's bathroom. Yoongi felt her getting out of bed but he stayed laying down. Vernon and S Coups were still asleep. After showering she realized she didn't bring any clothes with her. Yoongi woke up "You forgot to bring clothes?" He asked. She turns around "Yeah, we came back late so I didn't even think to go in my room and get clothes. Vernon and S Coups might still be asleep there and I can't go in like this." Cat said. "Stay here, I'll see if they left." Yoongi said as he got up and saw her door closed. "Nope they are still in there." Yoongi said as he came back to his room. It was time for them to get ready for class. "Ima take a shower now." Yoongi goes in his bathroom and showers. Vernon wakes up and looks at the time. "Seungcheol! Wake up, time for class!" Vernon said as he shook S Coups. S Coups groans and wakes up slowly. "Ugh, Already." S Coups said. "Yeah, we need to go to our dorm quickly so we can get dressed." Vernon said as he puts on his shoes and walks into the living room. S Coups later on gets up and puts his shoes on and goes to the living room too. Tanner walks out of his room, and sees Vernon and S Coups. "Daddy! Uncle Vernon!" Tanner says happily as he runs towards them. "hey bud!" Vernon said. "Hey Buddy!" S Coups said as he picks him up. Tanner holds onto him and begins to suck on his thumb. "He's sucking on his thumb. How cute!" Vernon said as he smiles and walks towards Tanner. "He is? Tanner are you getting scared again?" S Coups said. Tanner starts tearing up. "Oh he needs to take that medicine." S Coups said. "He needs medicine?" Vernon asked. "Yeah the doctor prescribed Zoloft for his anxiety" S Coups finds the bottle and reads it. "Okay Tanner you need to eat something before taking the medicine." S Coups also said. "Here's a banana" Vernon said as he gave the banana to Tanner. Tanner peels the banana and eats it. After eating, S Coups gives Tanner the medicine. Tanner makes faces because he hates the taste. "I don't like it" Tanner said in a cute voice. "Aww" Vernon said. "I know medicine is yucky but you need it to feel better." S Coups said as he hugs Tanner. Tanner hugs back.

"We should probably get going, don't wanna be late for class." Vernon said as he heads for the door. "Yeah" S Coups said as he texts Cat they are leaving. "Bye bud, I'll see you later okay?" S Coups said. "Okay daddy" Tanner said as he sits on the couch. "Bye Tanner!" Vernon said. "Bye uncle Vernon!" Tanner said. S Coups and Vernon walk out the door and walk towards the campus. Cat gets the message and goes to her room and gets dressed. Yoongi came out of the shower and also gets dressed. Tanner turns on the TV and watches Paw Patrol. Yoongi comes out and goes to the living room. "Good morning Tanner!" Yoongi said "Yoongi!!" Tanner said happily. "What's up?" Yoongi said. "Watching Paw Patrol!" Tanner replied. "Is your grandma coming today?" Yoongi asked. Tanner shrugged and continue eating the banana. "How did you get that banana?" Yoongi asked. The bananas were out of Tanner's reach. "Uncle Vernon" Tanner said. "First, don't call him uncle. He isn't your uncle. And oh okay" Yoongi said. Tanner just looks at him then back at the TV. Cat finishes getting dressed and goes to the living room "Tanner!" Cat said. "Mommy!!" Tanner hugs her tightly, his head on her chest "soft pillows mommy" Cat hugs him "they are not pillows babe" Cat said as she blushes a bit. She didn't believe her son would say that. "It's time for your medicine." Cat said. "No not again!" Tanner said as he crosses his arms and pouts. "Again?" Yoongi asked. "Yeah. Daddy and uncle Vernon gave me some" Tanner said. "They did?" Cat asked. "Yeah. I don't like it" Tanner said as he made faces again. Yoongi smiles a bit at Tanner's facial expressions. "Aww babe I know, but it's good to take medicine. So you can feel better" Cat said. "yeah, that's what Daddy said" Tanner says. Cat gets a text from mom saying 'hey Cat, I'm sorry but I won't be able to watch Tanner today, I have a dental appointment. Sorry!!' Cat reads "oh no." Cat says. Yoongi looks at her "What?" Yoongi asked. "My mom, she won't be able to watch Tanner today. She has a dental appointment." Cat said. "Oh what are you gonna do?" Yoongi asked

"Idk, and we need to go to class... I can't take him to class. How would the professor react." Cat said. "Why don't you leave him here alone. Like you did that one time." Yoongi says as he chuckles. Cat just looks at him and rolls her eyes. "I was joking" Yoongi said. "I don't wanna leave my son alone here.. but I think that's the best thing... I'll ask the professor today if I can bring him on other days" Cat said. "Alright" Yoongi said as he walks towards the door. "Is grandma coming?" Tanner asked. "No babe, you're gonna stay here okay. Do not open the door to anyone. If someone knocks don't even say anything." Cat said as she kisses Tanner's forehead. "Okay mommy" Tanner said nervously. He watches them leave the house. Cat locked the door from the outside. "What if he gets hungry??" Yoongi asked. "After class Ima come here quickly and make him something before I go to my next class." Cat said as they both walk towards the campus.
Cat and Yoongi walk into class. Yoongi sits down while Cat walks towards the professor. "Professor how would you feel if I brought my 2 year old son to class one day?" Cat said. The professor looks at her, he likes her a lot. "Oh you have a son??" Professor says. "Yeah,, he's real quiet and well behaved." Cat said. "Well I'm okay with it, but idk about everyone else, as long as he's quiet and well behaved as you say then it's fine hun" Professor says. "Thank you so much!" Cat says as she hugs him. Professor hugs her back and puts his hands on her lower back close to her ass. But not that far down. "Ooh" Cat says as she blushes a bit. And walks to her seat. Yoongi saw the whole thing. "So the professor likes you or something?" Yoongi asked as he clinches his fists. "What? No, why would you say that?" Cat asked as she looks at him.

"Well I saw the way he 'scanned' your body and saw that hug. His hands were very low." Yoongi says. S Coups walks in and sits behind them. "You think he likes me?" Cat asked. "Who?" S Coups asked. "No one, and yeah it's obvious. He literally scanned your body" Yoongi said. "Who SCANNED HER BODY???" S Coups asked. "The professor dumbass" Yoongi says. "Yo I thought I was the only one. I knew he liked you." S Coups says. Cat and Yoongi looks at him. S Coups looks back "duh, they way he 'scans' her body. I've seen it" S Coups says. "Wow..." Cat said. As she looks at the professor. He winks at her and her mouth drops. Everyone else saw the wink but ignored it. They didn't know the wink was for Cat.

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