Chapter 16

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"So this Saturday the school's American football team will play against the rival team and we're gonna go." Namjoon said. "Why?" Yoongi asked. "Because we need to show support." Namjoon said. The members look at him, he looks back "Fine, I just wanna go okay" Namjoon said. "Hey maybe you should ask Cat to be your date?" Hoseok whispered to Yoongi. "Oh yeah, good idea! I'll tell her" Yoongi said. Jungkook sneaks up on them, trying to listen to their conversation. "What ya talking about?" Jungkook asked. "Nothing" Yoongi replied. "Hmm was it about your girlfriend?" Jungkook asked. "No, stop Jungkook" Yoongi said. "I knew it!" Jungkook said as he walks away smiling. "Hey do y'all think Seventeen will go too?" Taehyung asked. Yoongi quickly looks at Taehyung "Why do you want them to join us?" Yoongi asked. "Because they seemed super nice and I notice that Dino, their youngest member and Jun are in one of my classes." Taehyung said. "Joshua, Vernon And DK have a class with me" Seokjin added. "Seunkgwan And Jeonghan have a class with me!" Jungkook also added. "And I have a class with "The8 and Woozi" Jimin said. "Mingyu, Hoshi, Wonwoo, have class with me" Namjoon added. "I have 1 stupid class with S Coups" Yoongi said "I think I have class with S Coups too and Jeonghan" Hoseok said. "You have class with Jeonghan too??" Jungkook asked while looking at Hoseok. "Yeah but I don't talk to him"Hoseok added. Jungkook sighed in relief. "Okay So we're going." Namjoon said.

The BTS boys left the studio, Yoongi went to find Cat. He walks up to her "Hey Cat, what are you doing Saturday night?" Yoongi asked. "Nothing, why?" Cat replied. "Cuz Namjoon is making us go to the American Football game Saturday. It's gonna be huge apparently. So you wanna come as my date?" Yoongi asked, he blushed a bit. "Aww yess!" Cat smiles and hugs him, he hugs her and kisses her. She kisses him too. Vernon was walking and saw them, his eyes widen. He didn't walk towards them, he just stood there hoping they won't see him. "That was so sweet of you to ask me" Cat said. "Yeah, I'm working on it. I haven't gotten in trouble in a while." Yoongi said. "Yeah I notice! I'm so proud of you. You're becoming a better person." Cat said. "Wait, So back then I wasn't a 'better person'?" Yoongi said while looking at her. "No no I mean, you're becoming a mature adult and not like a child." Cat replied. "So I'm acting like an adult while S Coups is still acting like a child." Yoongi said. "Why do you always compare yourself with him? I thought you didn't like him." Cat said, while she looks at his eyes. "Look idk but I just get a small feeling you want him back, but you're trying hard not to go back with him, even tho you really want too. So instead you go with me." Yoongi said. "What?" Cat said looking at him. "You really wanna know what's up? I want both of you!! Okay? BOTH OF YOU!!" Cat's eyes gets watery and she runs away. Yoongi's eyes widen, he did not expect that to come from her. Cat continues running, she accidentally bumps into S Coups. "Cat? Are you okay?" S Coups asked. "I don't wanna talk about it." Cat said as she wipes her tears. "Did Yoongi do something to you?? Cuz if he did, he will die." S coups said. "No, he didn't do anything" Cat replied. "So then what's wrong?" S Coups asked. "Nothing" Cat said. "No one cries for no reason." S Coups said. He hugs her and holds her tight. She hugs him too, she thinks about what she told Yoongi. About her wanting both, that keeps replaying in her mind. "Let's sit down, okay?" S coups said. Cat nodded and they sat down on a bench, S Coups puts his arm around her.

"Are you gonna go to the American football game?" Cat asked. "Yeah, the rest of my members are going too." S Coups replied. "Has Jeonghan said anything about Jungkook?" Cat asked. "idk. I heard Jungkook was dancing with Jeonghan at his party." S Coups said. "Yeah he was, do you think Jungkook likes Jeonghan? Like crush?" Cat said. "Idk, it's cuz Jeonghan's hair gets people. That hair makes anyone fall for him" S Coups said. "Yeah ikr. How does he get his hair so beautiful?" Cat asked. "You can ask him in person, he's a hair dresser. When we're not in the studio, he's at the hair salon doing people's hair." S Coups said. "Oh nice! Next time I need my hair done,I'll ask Jeonghan to do it." Cat said. "Yes, he'll love that" S Coups said smiling. He leans in a bit closer, Cat notices and glances over at him. Vernon saw Cat again and this time with S Coups. "What" Vernon said to himself. He sees S Coups leaning in, Vernon runs towards them. He knows if S Coups and Cat kiss, other things will happen. S Coups sees Vernon "Yeah Vernon?" S Coups said. "Uh Hoshi wanted me to tell you...that he's gonna call you." Vernon said as he gulps a bit. "Why did he tell you that?" S Coups said. "Idk, he just did... weird right...." Vernon said. "Are you okay?" Cat asked. "Yes, thanks for asking" Vernon replied. "Okay Vernon you can leave now." S Coups said. Vernon hides behind a tree, Cat and S Coups didn't see him.

"What was that all about?" Cat asked. "IDK, my members are weird sometimes, like Jeonghan and Dino for instance or Joshua and Vernon." S Coups said. "I wanna get to know your members better, I bet they are super nice." Cat said. "Well if you go to the American Football game, you'll get to meet them. Speaking of that, You wanna go with me?" S Coups asked. "Oh um..sure..." Cat said as she gulped. "Great! I'll see you Saturday." S Coups said as he winks at her. "But I..." S Coups leaned in for a kiss, he didn't let her finish her sentence. Cat gasps and backs away but S Coups pulled her close. Vernon's eyes widen when he see them kiss, 'First Yoongi, now Seungcheol.... damn girl.. who's next? Me? Oh Gosh what if it is me. I gotta run...' Vernon said to himself, he runs away. S Coups looks into her eyes, she looks into his eyes too, she gets on his lap and makes out with him, S Coups holds her and makes out deeply too. 

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