Chapter 13

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As they got home, Cat sat on the couch, opening a bottle of Seagram's Escapes. "I'm so proud of you" Cat said as she takes a sip. "Proud of what?" Yoongi asked. "Because you didn't fight S Coups" Cat replied. "Well he wasn't there most of the time" Yoongi said. "Well I'm still proud" Cat said as she looks at him, she really wants to kiss him.... but she can't, not after what she did with S Coups. Yoongi looks at her and leans in for a kiss when.... She got like 5 text messages from her mom and dad. "Oh fuck, my parents texted me, but I didn't hear anything" Cat said. "What did they say?" Yoongi asked. Cat reads the messages

From Mom: 'Cat, Tanner isn't feel well. He said he's stomach hurts.'
From Mom: 'He wanted me to tell you.'
From Mom: 'Now he says he's gonna throw up. Okay so he's actually throwing up'
From Mom: '????'
From Dad: 'Catalina answer the damn phone. Are you with that asshole Seungcheol again? You know, that dumbass piece of shit'

"Oh shit Tanner! I have to go get him!" Cat said as she got up and walks out the door. "I love your dad, he gets me" Yoongi said as he follows her. "Yeah my dad really doesn't like him at all." Cat said. "Well who would if he left you pregnant." Yoongi replied. "Well he didn't like him way before that, when we started dating he didn't like him at all." Cat replied. They got to her parents house, Cat knocks on the door, The dad answers. "Catalina it's about damn time you're here, Who the hell is this?" Dad said. "Dad he's my roommate Yoongi, now where's Tanner?" Cat replied. "In the bathroom with your mother." Dad replied, Cat went to find Tanner. "So are you now dating my daughter?" Dad asked. "No, just Roommates." Yoongi said. "You haven't kissed her right? Haven't touched her right?" Dad said. "NO of course not, I respect her." Yoongi said. "Okay, cuz she dated this retard and I don't like him at all." Dad replied. "I've heard, I don't like him either." Yoongi replied. "You don't like Seungcheol?" Dad asked. "S Coups? Hell no" Yoongi said. "I Like you!" Dad smiles. Yoongi smiles a bit.

Tanner was crying on the floor. "I know baby I know" Mom said. "Hey I'm so sorry for not responding. I didn't hear anything." Cat said. "MOMMY!!!" Tanner said as he tried to get up, he holds on her legs and continues crying. Cat picks him up, "Mommy's here babe." Cat said. "How did this happen?" Cat asked. "Idk, we we're watching Peppa Pig then he said his stomach hurt and started coughing. So I took him to the bathroom, then he threw up." Mom said. "I also gave him some medicine to help him feel better." Mom also said. "If this continues, Ima have to skip morning class and take him to his doctor." Cat said. "Good idea, tell me everything." Mom said. "I will mom, I have to go now. I'll let you know everything." Cat said as she said bye to her parents and walks out with Yoongi. "I really like your dad now" Yoongi said. "Oh wow" Cat replied. "Yoongi" Tanner said softly. "Yeah bud?" Yoongi said. "My tummy hurts." Tanner said. "Oh he's gonna throw up." Cat quickly grabs a brown paper bag from her purse. "Here do it in here." Cat said as she holds the bag. "I'll hold Tanner if you want." Yoongi said. "Okay here" Cat said as she gives Tanner to Yoongi. Yoongi holds him while Cat holds the bag, Tanner throws up again.

A few mins later Tanner stopped, he cries again. "Okay, I'm not waiting till tomorrow. Do you think First Aid is open?" Cat asked. "Should be, you never know when you need medical attention." Yoongi replied. "True true" Cat said as they both go to First Aid. "Welcome how can we help?" First Aid Employee asks. "My son Tanner, he's been throwing up a lot." Cat said. "Oh no, sign these papers please, if you sign, you are letting us give medical care to your son." First Aid Employee says as Cat signs the papers. "Okay follow me, I'll take you to a room." First Aid Employee takes them to a room and walks out. The nurse comes in "Hello My name is Lisa, and I will be taking Tanner's Vital signs okay." Nurse Lisa says as she takes his vital signs, she writes down on her clipboard. "His temperature is 100.1. Everything else seems normal, I'll let the doctor know." Nurse Lisa said as she walks out the room. Cat feels Tanner's forehead and it's hot. "He does have a fever." Cat said. Yoongi feels too "Wow". Tanner looks at them and feels himself. "I'm hot?" Tanner asked softly. "Yes" Cat replies.

"What could be wrong with him?" Yoongi asks. "Flu? Idk"Cat said. Doctor knocks on door and enters, "Hello! Tanner, you have a fever?" Doctor says. Tanner nods his head yes. "Aww, Okay can you lay down please?" Doctor asks as Tanner lays down. "Good job, I'm going to feel your tummy okay? Tell me if it hurts." Tanner nods as the doctor pulls his shirt up a bit and feels his abdomen. "Does it hurt?" Doctor asks. "No" Tanner said. "Okay sit up please, I'm going to hear your heartbeat, it may feel a bit cold." Doctor says, Tanner sits up. He's sucks on his thumb while looking at Cat and Yoongi. "He's nervous. That's why he sucks on his thumb." Cat whispers to Yoongi. "Okay Breathe in and out." Doctor says as Tanner breathes in and out. "Good job! Okay so what it sounds like to me is that he has the Stomach flu, I'm going to prescribe medicine for pain and nausea, Also have him drink some Gatorade, little by little. No solid foods until he completely stops vomiting for 24hrs okay?." Doctor writes down the prescription and hands the paper to Cat. "Okay, I hope you feel better bud, You wanna sticker?" Doctor asks. Tanner nods his head yes.

"Okay bud, pick 2." Doctor shows Tanner the stickers, Tanner picks a Paw Patrol sticker and a Peppa Pig sticker. "Oh nice choice! Hope you feel better!" Doctor gives Tanner a high five, Tanner gives Doctor a high five too. Cat carries Tanner and goes towards the pharmacy, Yoongi follows. "Hello, You need some Paracetamol and some meds for nausea." First Aid Employee gets the medicine and puts them in a bag, then hands it to Cat. Cat takes the bag. "Get well soon!" First Aid Employee says. "Say thank you Tanner." Cat said. "Thank you" Tanner said softly. Yoongi looks at the bottle and it reads 'Tanner Choi Gomez' "Gomez is your last name?" Yoongi asked. "Yeah, both of my parents are Mexicans." Cat replied. "So Tanner is Korean-Mexican. Or Mexican Korean?" Yoongi says. "Yeah, He's a Mexican Korean who was born here in Korea."

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