Chapter 25

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"Okay class, we will have an assignment that is due 50 percent of your grade, I will pass out the rubric, it's due in a month from now so I suggest getting it done now and not procrastinate." Professor said as he passes out the rubric. "Class dismissed" Professor also said. Everyone walks out, Cat looks at the rubric. "Wow Ima get started tonight, also I have to go to Chick fil A and get Tanner a kids meal." Cat says. "I'll go with you." S Coups said. "No that's okay" Cat said. "Yeah, I'll go instead, She is my girlfriend." Yoongi says. "Well she's the mother of my son." S Coups said. "You guys please, don't fight!" Cat said as she got in between them, The professor heard "Wait... Seungcheol is the father of Cat's Son???" The professor said to himself. "How on earth can she chose a boy like him when she can be with a grown man like myself." The professor continued speaking to himself. "Tell your baby daddy to go to class! Or else Ima fuck him up like last time." Yoongi said as his voice got louder. "Tell your roommate to back up or Ima beat him up." S Coups said as he bucks at Yoongi. Yoongi punches S Coups in the face, S Coups pushes him and they both fell down. "STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!!" Cat said as she tries to pulls S Coups away. The professor goes to them and grabs Yoongi. "What in the hell is going on??" Professor said. "I have to go, and I'm leaving by myself!" Cat said as she runs away crying. "This idiot started it." Yoongi said. "You hit me first." S Coups said. "Well you provoked me ass hole." Yoongi said. "Both of you go to the Security office now!" Professor said. "No, we can't go" S Coups said

"And why not?" Professor said as he looks at them. "We'll get expelled... and we can not get expelled.." S Coups said. "Then you should have thought of that before getting into the fight, Security office now!" Professor said. "Please Professor, we'll do anything!" S Coups said. "Okay, clean up my classroom after my last class which is 8pm. You will vacuum the carpet, clean the tables, the windows, the white board, and take out the trash. I will be back in an hour and expect everything to be spotless." Professor said. "But how are we going to clean all that in an hour! Your classroom is so big!" S Coups said. "Well then I guess you'll have to work together. I'll see y'all 8pm SHARP!" Professor said as he walks away. Yoongi glares at S Coups. "Seriously, we'll do anything." Yoongi said as he continues to stare at S Coups. "Well do you wanna get expelled? How will Cat react to that? She'll hate you forever." S Coups. "She hates you too." Yoongi said. "Right, but she got over hating me.." S Coups said as he started walking to his class. Yoongi just stares at him then walks to his next class and sees Hoseok. "Hey Hoseok." Yoongi said. "Hey Yoongi, what happened? Did you get into a fight?" Hoseok asked as he looks at Yoongi. "Yeah, so what?" Yoongi replied angrily. 

"With that Seventeen fella?" Hoseok. "Yes, that Seventeen asshole as I call him." Yoongi said. "Wow" Hoseok said as he sighed. "Well he provoked me." Yoongi said. "I see, will maybe you need to control your anger? They have anger management classes here." Hoseok said. "I don't need anger management classes." Yoongi said angrily again. "Sorry but you should consider it..." Hoseok said, Yoongi sighed. 

Cat goes to the Chick fil a on campus and gets a 6 count kids meal with fruit cup and sweet tea and goes home. Cat unlocks the door, Tanner looks and hides behind the couch. "Tanner? It's mama. I brought you Chick fil a." Cat said as she puts the food on the small table. Tanner comes out and smiles "Yay!" Tanner said. "Go wash your hands first okay?" Cat said as she watches Tanner go to the bathroom and washes his hands. Tanner comes back out and sits at his small table and eats happily. "You want some mommy?" Tanner asks. "I'm okay babe, thanks. I have to leave again." Cat said as she got up. "Aww" Tanner said as he pouted. "I know hun, but I'll be back, throw away your trash when you are finished okay? I love you and remember, do not open the door for anyone." Cat said as she kisses his forehead and walks out again, locking the door. Tanner sighs and eats. Cat looks at the time and runs to her class. "Damn, I'm gonna be late!" Cat said to herself as she runs to her class. It was a new class that started late in her schedule, some students have new classes, others don't. As cat walked in, everyone looked at her, she looks at everyone. "Sorry..." Cat said softly. "Ms, what is your name? And why are you so late?" The professor said as she looks at Cat. "Late? How late am I?" Cat said as she looks at the professor.

"Talking back with an attitude, and I asked you a question." Professor said. "Yeah I had to go home quick to get some food for my son." Cat said. "Sit down now in your assigned seat, class started 15mins ago." Professor said.  Cat didn't notice that Brittany was in the class too. "Professor that girl thinks she's somebody, that's why she disrespectfully talked back at you." Brittany said as she looks at Cat. "Oh yes I know Brittany." Professor said. Cat looked up quickly and saw Brittany. "Oh fucking joy." Cat said to herself, She looks for her seat and sees Jeonghan, and sits beside him. "Oh hey Jeonghan." Cat said. "Hey girl!" Jeonghan said as he ties his hair into a bun. "I can not believe that my enemy is in this class." Cat whispers. "Who Brittany?" Jeonghan whispers back. "Yes, because of her, she ruined mine and Seungcheol's relationship." Cat whispered. "Yeah I know, she's terrible." Jeonghan whispered. "Professor Smith, Can you please tell Catalina to stop whispering, I am trying to read for our 20 mins reading." Brittany said as she smirks. "Catalina, not only you show up late, talk back to me and now talking to that beautiful student.. you don't understand do you. You will have detention with me after class." Professor said as she writes down the detention slip. "Are you fucking kidding me" Cat said to herself. "This class will be a pain in the ass for sure." Cat whispers. "Sorry if I got you in trouble." Jeonghan whispers. "No don't be, it's not your fault." Cat whispers.  

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