Chapter 3

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Cat looks at them "Wait.... y'all know each other????" she said. "He is your roommate??" Hoseok replied. "Yes he's my roommate...." She answered. "Yoongi and I are in a group, we Rap together" Hoseok said. "Really.." Cat added. "Wait so are you 2 a thing?" Yoongi asked. "No we're just friends" Cat said. "Are you 2 a thing???" Hoseok asked. "NO!" Yoongi and Cat said. "Lots of questions being asked." Cat said. The boys nodded. "Well I probably should head out and leave you 2 alone, Oh and Yoongi? Namjoon wants us to meet in the studio at 6pm" Hoseok said as he walked in the house, leaving. "Wait, so you're like famous or something?" Cat asked. "Kinda, not many people know us, like you" Yoongi said. "What's your group called?" She asked. "Well, it's not my group, It's our leader Namjoon or RM. BTS" he said. "Oh nice, Can I watch you guys rehearse?" She said looking at him. "No" He said while walking inside. Cat followed him in "Why not?" She asked. "Cuz I said no" he replied. 

"Is it cuz you don't want someone like me be around you and your friends" She said. "You already know one of them" He replied. "Yeah, Hoseok and I are great friends" She added. "Still you can't come" He said while walking to his room. She looks at him, "I'm gonna follow him" She said to herself. "Mommy, I need to go Potty" Tanner said. "Okay, let's go" Cat said while taking him to the bathroom, She tries to help him. "No I can do it, I'm a big boy" Tanner said. "Okay, I'll wait out here then" She gets up and walks out. After Tanner was finished, he flush the toilet. "Tada!" He said happily. "Alright, wash your hands" Cat said. Tanner got on his stool and washes his hands, then dries them. "Good! Now high five" She said, as Tanner gives her a high five. She smiles and kisses his forehead, Tanner smiles.

Yoongi left his door opened a bit and saw them, he smiles a bit. Yoongi looks at the time and heads out to the studio. Cat wanted to follow but she remembered she has a class at 8pm. She gathered her books and was getting ready for her class, Yoongi came back a few mins before Cat left. "Oh good you're here, can you do me a huge favor and Watch Tanner? I have class at 8pm tonight" She asked. "Well I'm not going anywhere so I guess" Yoonig replied. "Thank you! He goes to bed at 9pm so tuck him in and maybe read him a story?" She said. "Okay" Yoongi replied. Cat hugged him, he put his hands on her ass. She pulled away "Yeah please don't do that" She said " Bye Tanner, Mommy will be back okay? I love you and Yoongi will be here with you" She said while walking out the door.

Tanner looked at the door "Mommy" he said. "Dude, she'll be back, relax" Yoongi said to him, Tanner looked at him for a while. "What the hell am I supposed to do with a kid.... I'm never good with kids.." He said to himself. Yoongi goes to his room, Tanner follows him. "Uh hello child" Yoongi said. "What book will you read to me?" Tanner said while showing him the books. Yoongi looks at them "None" He replied. Tanner looked at him. "Instead I'll read you a song I'm making" Yoongi said. "Okay!" Tanner said while getting on Yoongi's bed. "Let's go to your room" Yoongi said while walking to Tanner's room, Tanner following. "Okay I call this track Agust D" He said. Tanner gets in bed, ready to hear Yoongi's song. Yoongi starts rapping Agust D, Tanner just watches him. As Yoongi finished, Tanner clapped then said "Kissing my ass". Yoongi's eyes widen and laughs a bit. Tanner also giggles. "Okay night" Yoongi said while walking out and closing Tanner's door. 

Hours later and Cat came back. "Shh, I think they are asleep, and also why are you stalking me back to my house" She said. "It's just like old times" S Coups replied. "Go home, you're drunk" Cat said. They entered the house. "I'm too fucked up to walk home" S Coups said. "Don't worry, I'll take you home" Yoongi said. "Yoongi.. I.." Cat replied. "I heard you say he stalked you here" Yoongi approaches S coups and pins him to the wall. S Coups pushed him off "I can walk myself" He replied. "I thought you were too fucked up to walk home?" Yoongi said. "Stop it! S Coups, just go home" Cat said. S Coups looks at her and walks out. "Why the hell did he walk you home?" Yoongi asked angrily. "He just showed up and apologized for what happened the other day." Cat replied. Cat sighed and walked to Tanner's room and sees him asleep. "Did you actually read him a book?" Cat said. "No, I sang him a song" Yoongi said "Shit.. why did I say that..." He said to himself. Cat gasped "You what!!" She smiles at Yoongi. "Yeah yeah, whatever" Yoongi said while walking to his room. Cat smiled at him "Night" she said "Night" He replied. 

S Coups made it to his dorm. "I made it without getting caught, If only I could have rocked that guy in the face... for being with Cat.. she obviously want me back" His roommate Vernon was listening. "What do you mean, 'rocked that guy in the face'?" Vernon said. "Well that guy is probably doing things with Cat, Just like Hoseok" S Coups said. "Well, we don't know that... So stop assuming" Vernon said. "Yeah we don't know" S Coups replied. 

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