Chapter 5

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I'm already two years old. In those two years, I rarely saw my father, Lucius Alphonse. He was always in business trips. But still he sends letters and messages as well as video chats regularly. I honestly don't know how to face him. But I got to hear stories of him from Sylvia, my mother. I also learned a lot about her. I got really close with her in those two years.

She was the heiress to the huge clothing company, Aesteir. While sitting on her lap while she works, I discovered how fabulous her designs are. She got amazing fashion sense. But even if she's the owner of the said company, she's a hands on mother. She doesn't like the idea of leaving the work of raising her children to maids, as she herself grew without parental love.

She's a stunning beauty, with blonde hair and violet eyes. So that's where Ethan got his eyes. I thought it's weird to have amethyst eyes, but now I think differently. She's not haughty and is respectful to the maids, especially to Albert, the butler. I learned that he raised her and when she got married, she brought him along here. She treated him more as a father, especially when her parents died. He stood beside her and helped her raise the company up while she was still a young girl, protecting her from greedy relatives.

I also learned that father is an automobile company owner. The company is big, but not as big as mother's, which is globally famous. Father's company was more of a national level top car dealer.

I always wondered with this rich parents, Ethan being rich or wealthier than Richard shouldn't be that hard. With the car company alone, if he focused his talents, he would surely make an international debut, but in the novel, he's just rich but not as rich as Richard or Laeticia. It may be because a lot of relatives mishandled his parent's inheritance, before he even got at an age to manage it.

It was stated in the novel how much he hated his relatives and Richard. Then it made me realize something. Aesteir is one of Richard's company, if that's the case, could it be that his parents managed to overthrow the board or bought all the stocks and the stakeholders' favor when he was still young? At the time after his parent's death, it would be possible since his guardians, his mother's cousin, sucked up hard at the company's resources.

So that's why his hatred for Richard is that great. I never knew this part. But now I do. This is also the reason why Ethan tried so hard to cling to the falling car company, because it's his father's. He must have loved them dearly.

I should stop looking as an spectator in this world.

Because now I am Ethan.

And I will make sure my parents will never die.

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