Chapter 13

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Since it's the first day of school, there wasn't much to be done. The teachers just left some requirements to bring for next meeting.

As I was contemplating on how to approach these three people, someone called me.

“You're Ethan right?”

Ace called me.

Now I just have to make the conversation flow smoothly and not make him feel uncomfortable.

“Yes, you're Ace right? Nice to meet you.” I smiled.

“Thank goodness, I thought you're haughty. You didn't smile there, you looked intimidating! ”

Ouch girl.

“Haha, my bad, I was so nervous. I don't know how to make myself more approachable. ” Though it is saddening, it's the truth. Ethan have that intimidating aura and a snobbish-looking face which made it hard for me to approach other people.

“You're approachable now though....Hey, is Lucius Alphonse your father? ”

Here it begins.

“Yes, he also makes cars so I was excited when you said your family also do that!” I played my part. I hope he continues to ask.

“Man, my father really likes his design. I also love his works. Especially that Spear Series! The edges and horsepower are amazing!”

Nice. He'll definitely be interested in befriending me.

My father's latest work, the Spear Series is a huge success. I gave him some ideas to the design. This world doesn't have the car companies of the other one so I tried incorporating some designs to our cars. There wasn't any Mazda car designs here so I introduced him that. It was a huge success. I was originally planning to introduce the sports car designs but I have to play safe first. It seems we're the first one to make cars with ridges design and edges. The cars here are all smooth. I only know the body not anything about engines though. Dad handled that part magnificently.

“Right? I also like that one! I was kinda nervous to ask Dad to do that though.” I hope he stirs to this.

“Wait..You designed those?” He was shocked.

“Awesome! How? What did you use? How were you able to come up with that!?”

He's definitely a car geek.

“Not much, I just saw how there were corners in the house and I wondered why are all cars smooth? So I imagined some cars. Dad improved it and it was awesome! ”

I am good at drawing but I tried to make it look bad as I drew that car. It's too much attention gathering if I drew beautifully. I was also surprised at how good Dad draws. He and Mom are artistic. He improved it so much to the point that it started to look like how I imagined it.

“Man, I would love to see him work.”
Ace said admiringly.

“If you don't mind, I can invite you to our house and see how he draws!”

Shoot. I shouldn't have exposed too much. It's still a business secret and I came strongly. Seriously? Inviting him  to our house in our first meeting? This is isn't some fluffy anime or manga! Aaa

“You don't mind?” he looks dubious. Of course I will also feel that way if I were him.

“If you don't like it then I can teach you how to draw.” There, I hope he takes this. In the novel, it was stated that he only learned to draw when he was in college. I could teach him now.

“Really?” he's shocked.

I nod.

“Awesome! But don't tell the others about this okay? It's embarrassing how I can't draw when my parents design car.”

“Sure. I'm also not that good at coming up with ideas so I may not be able to show you that much car designs.”

I tried to implant him the idea that I am not that good at coming up with car designs. I hope he'll never ask me how now.

“That's fine! I have a lot of ideas, I just can't draw them! We'll make great partners haha!"


With this, I managed to successfully befriend Ace Kang.

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