Chapter 26

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It hurts so much!!


I don't want to see anymore!!

They're so sad!! Why do they happen to the adult me!?

It felt like my head is being opened forcefully!

There are so many images flashing.

I don't understand!!

Mama!!Papa!! Help!! It hurts!!

“I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, please don't cry. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have smiled on you.”

Then suddenly everything disappeared.

I looked at that sad voice.

It's the bad guy!! Will he hurt me?!

He looked like he will touch me, so I raised my hand and closed my eyes.

He'll really hurt me.

Then when nothing happened, I opened my eyes.

He looks so sad.


“I'm so sorry I might have scared you. Don't worry I wont hurt you. But can you stand up? Your ankle looks hurt.”

I was still staring at him.

How could this older brother be the bad guy?

He looks so sad and kept on apologizing to me.

He said he scared me. But he doesn't look scary. The reason I was scared is because he was the same person from my dreams.

As he mentioned my ankle, I realized I was hurt.

I started to cry again.

“Don't cry, I'll help you. I can't carry you now because I was sick, but I'll think of something.”

It took me some while to finally calm down. His soothing voice remained patient as he tried to encourage me to endure my hurting ankle.

I managed to stop wailing though I still can't stop the tears from falling..

I looked at the older brother again.

Then I noticed, why is he in that chair with wheels?

“You can't walk?” I asked.

“I can but not much. I get tired easily.” he said and smiled at me.

He stayed beside me.

He looked tired and he kept rubbing his hands.

I think he forced to turn the wheels of his chair just to help me.

I felt bad.

“I-I'm s-so sorry.” I cried again.

“I'm fine! Please don't cry.”

He may have the same eyes and looks as that bad guy, but he isn't bad. He is nice. Maybe those dreams were just nothing.

He stayed beside me. He doesn't talk much but I don't feel uncomfortable.
He answers me whenever I ask something.

Soon, I completely forgot about my hurting ankle.

He suddenly asked me.

“What were you looking at a while ago in the garden?”

“Roses. They're so pretty, I wanted to have some but I don't know if I'm allowed to take it. We don't have flowers in our house because Papa said it isn't needed and Mama is not good with gardening.”

I felt sad.

He looked at me again. I also looked at his eyes.

I knew they were violet.

I just didn't notice they were these pretty.

What a strange eye color, he and the lady Mama greeted are the first people I saw with such eyes.

Ah!! I must have been staring so long!

I felt so ashamed and looked the other way.

He just didn't say anything.

Is he angry?

I was so nervous when I heard something.

He is laughing! And his eyes became prettier.

I didn't notice it now, but this brother is so handsome! Like those princes Mama and Papa read to me every night.

I want to be friends with him.

I hope he doesn't mind.

“Big brother! You're so pretty like a prince when you laugh! You should smile more!” I cheerfully said.

He suddenly stopped and became red.

Why? Is he shy? said you liked the roses there right? My mother planted those. I could ask her to give you some.”


He nodded.

He is so nice. I never had a friend before, I have to ask if he won't mind being friends with me.

“I'm Laeticia, can we be fr-”

Then we heard a voice.

“Young Master!!”

It sounded like an old man.

“I'm here!!”

I was surprised. He suddenly shouted. He can shout? He looked so quiet.

An elderly man with a black suit came .

“How did you end up here? I thought I left you at the wisteria tree. You're still weak, you shouldn't force yourself. ” the old man didn't shout but it felt like he's scolding the big brother.

The big brother suddenly looked frightened. He doesn't look like the kind who is afraid to anybody.

“S-sorry Grandpa...but can you scold me later? She needs help, she can't walk. ”

The old man then looked at me.

“Oh dear, Lady Laeticia, what happened to your feet?.”

The grandpa looked like he'll carry me, I got scared.

“Don't worry, I know him and he is kind. He'll help you. I'm so sorry again for scaring you.”

“ I'll bring you to your parents Lady Laeticia. Hold on tight to me.”

“Also Grandpa, tell Mom that I gave some roses from the garden to her.”

Albert was taken aback, then smiled knowingly.

“I see. Alright, I'll order a maid to trim some of the roses. The Madam wouldn't mind especially since the young master will give it to a young lady.”

It's not like that!”

“Yes, yes whatever you say.”

The man carried me and said bye bye to the boy. We were quite far from him when I remembered something.

I wasn't able to ask him to be my friend!

And also...

I forgot to ask his name.

I must at least know his name!

“Mister! What's your name?!”

The grandpa who's carrying me was surprised. He stopped walking and gave me some time to look at the big brother.

He heard me and he stopped looking at the roses then looked at my way.

He looked at me and smiled.

I liked the way his violet eyes suddenly twinkled. He looked so gentle.

“I'm Ethan!”

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