Chapter 29

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I only have two days left before her birthday.

I still don't know how to dance.

“I wonder how I can learn to dance.” I said one morning during our recess.

“What? You can't dance? Haha” that's Ace.

“It's for your friend's party isn't it? I wish you luck.” Taras earnestly said.

“Eew it's for that seven year old friend of yours, the girl, right? Why are you exerting energy to a kid's party? Is she your type?” Tarkhan disgustingly looked at me.

We were now seated near each other since we're in fourth grade.

Seriously, if I didn't know you guys will be beneficial to me, I would never talk to you.

Are you even my friends? Bastards..

“You know her parents are close to mine and she is engaged you know.”

At that, they looked shocked, even Taras had his mouth open.

“Whaaat? She's so young!” said Ace.

“So young but engaged already. ” Taras was still shocked.

“It's not that surprising if you had rich family. I never knew you're the type to like engaged young kids.” Tarkhan magnificently insulted me again.

“What the heck?! I just want to learn to dance!” I can't contain it anymore.

“Haha then why not dance with me? I'm good at dancing.” Ace proudly said.

The image of me and Ace dancing, holding hands.


The three if us looked disgustingly at Ace.

“Even if you're my best friend Ace, I never knew you looked at me that way. I'm not into guys, sorry.” I said while having dead eyes.

“I never knew Ace sways that way. I'm still your friend though.” Taras kindly said.

“I'll never be interested in you so just focus all your love on Ethan.” Tarkhan chimed.

“Wait! Idiots! I don't mean I like him! I just wanted to help!” Ace looked so angry at us.

“This is no good..Why do I suck at dancing?” I said while I lay my face on the table.

“Why not just tell it? You said you're close to them. It's better than lying.” Taras suggested.

“Yeah and prepare something amazing.” Tarkhan seconded.

“Give her something she likes so much and a heartfelt message.” said Ace.

“But I have no idea what to give to her. She's already rich and I don't want to give jewels to a kid.” I said

“Oh man just say happy birthday!”

Tarkhan just gave up and said that irritatingly.

“Why not sketch her? You're good at drawing.” Ace said something sensible.

“Try to give her a pet!” Taras said happily.

“Wow! I never thought about that! Thanks I'll try, except you Tarkhan. You bastard.” I said that while smiling.

“Why you--”

We all laughed it off in the end.

As I went home, I started to think about what to draw. It's a given that I'll draw her but just the portrait left me feeling discontented.

I decided to take a walk to the garden for inspiration. I like the feel of the snow under my feet. I looked at the garden and saw the blooming roses. It's winter yet they bloomed. It was all thanks to the servants pruning them.

I looked at the blue rose and remembered.

That's it! I'll paint that! It's better than a sketch..

I ran hurriedly and proceeded to my room.

I remembered she seemed so happy while looking at the roses.

I took out a small canvass and proceeded to paint that.

The day I met her in the garden.

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