Chapter 44

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True to his words, Bryan sent a letter a few days after our talk about him being an informant of Richard's plans.

The letter stated that they invested more on Diamond Productions as soon as they learned the Alphonse family invested in an advertising agency. Apparently, the money they invested will be used in advertising a certain product of their company. I laughed inside, I never thought they have been eyeing our family's actions.

I need to be careful.

Though it may be simple pettiness on my part, knowing that Richard persuaded his family to invest further in that production company,infamous of backdoor negotiations, and will cause them to blight their reputation in the future, brings happiness to me.

Serves you right for not believing Laeticia when she asked you to invest in Crystal Films!

“You seem to be in a good mood.” Albert told me as he entered the living room.

“They bit it.” I answered.

“Aren't you worried this will increase their profits even more? Diamond Productions is currently the top contender in the showbusiness. ” He warily said.

“It doesn't matter. This just proves they are eyeing us for some time now. We have to be discreet in every move we make...and about that being the top production company.....I may not have solid proof now, but trust me...this company will fall to ruins.”

“Oh dear, I'm so glad the Madam isn't here right now. She'll surely be angry knowing you used the family name in that poor attempt of investment just to test whether the Henney family's young master is testing you or not.” Albert said while smiling.

I flinched at that.

“I just told her it was you being inexperienced. Investing in that unknown agency while using the Alphonse name. But if she were to know that you talked to Bryan and it was his capital..even if the money used in investment isn't yours...I wonder.” He gave off this menacing and scary vibes.

“A-anyway, do you have something to tell me?” I said, trying to steer the conversation away.

“About that, a letter arrived from the Ross family, inviting you to join their party in behalf of your parents.” He said while handing me the invitation card.

“To whom are they celebrating for?” I asked.

“Miss Laeticia's grandparents just returned from overseas.”


And so, that's the reason why I am having may hair combed and fixed in an orderly manner.

To be honest...


I was never a person fond of social gatherings AAaaaa!!


This is my first party without you AAAA!!

“Young master? Surely you don't think about declining now, do you?” He said as he clenched my hands harder as he handed me the watch.

How dare you! You told me it was only an intimate event!! And you accepted it already when I haven't even properly replied to them AAAA!!

“How many people are there?” I anxiously asked while looking at the mirror while fixing my necktie.

“Young master, honestly, it's venue is larger than the Ross family's dance hall.”

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