Chapter 38

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I'm dreaming.

I am seeing some scenes.

There was me.

Then there was Richard.

And that girl...


The me in this dream likes Richard very much.

Why? Because she always becomes red whenever she sees him.

But no wonder Richard never looked at her.

She is ugly and bad.

She hurts other people and wears those ugly clothes and wears thick powder on her face (make up).

You will definitely make Richard hate you more.

I now believe my dreams because they came true. I just feel they all happened now.


Who was I again?

My head hurts.

While thinking about this, I opened my eyes and I saw two people. A female with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes and a man with brown hair and green eyes. They cried when they saw me. There was also a lady. She has gold hair and blue eyes. She also cried and ran outside. She calls for someone.

I don't know them all.

I only know Richard. He is my only memory and the old me never made him look at her because she is bad.

But I know how to make him notice me. I'll definitely make him look at me.

That was the day the old and bubbly Laeticia got replaced by a quiet and refined one. A lady with the sole purpose of making her fiancé pleased.

Because if she didn't, she'll lose her only purpose. If she were to fail the only person she remembers, she doesn't know what to do anymore since she had no recollections of who she was originally.

All she had are those dreams.

And she wasn't able to see the image where her love was casted aside by that man. She only saw the incomplete one which lead her to believe she can change his heart as long as she didn't do the same thing the old her did.

She didn't see the cruel ending of her life.

How her love bore no fruit and how she casted aside the people who cared for her.

She didn't glance at the scenery of the canvass, painted by the boy who longed to be remembered.


Six years have already passed since that day.

I am 18 years old already.

Believe it or not I was shocked when I learned that Ace, Tarkhan and Taras enrolled at the same school as I. It was a public school but nevertheless, an outstanding one. The atmosphere between the public and private schools were different anyway. The first one is fierce since students compete all for the sake of a better future for their family, while the private one all revolved around their own luxurious world, closed off from the cruel truth of reality and fierce competition of abilities.

We just graduated high school and today is July, still my vacation. Classes will resume in August for colleges.

I spent the first two months of vacation visiting my friends' families. In short, I travelled overseas with them. We first went to Russia. It's so cold there and wolves are treated as stray dogs. The father of Taras is filled with muscles and taught me how to shoot a gun and martial arts. His mother is a beauty with glasses and is gentle. It may not look like it, but she is a sharp shooter. She can make a rope dance with bullets.

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