Chapter 28

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Two years have already passed.

Nothing eventful happened.

I became buddies with the three targets I had: Ace, Taras and Tarkhan.

Also I still haven't meet Richard and I don't have any plan to. Not yet.

I'm so thankful that we'll only be classmates in high school, as stated in the novel.

I also started to have daily exercise. I can now jog for 1 hour without any problems. I also do bicycling, with my parents and sometimes when they're busy, with Albert. They also hired me a private martial arts tutor.

After the incident with Taras and me, our parents decided to complain, the board of directors pleaded not to publicize the issue. Our parents were naturally angry of course. So they tried to fire the nurse and doctor for neglect, I was against that. That day, those two were in the records office managing some health records, it's not their fault. My parents and Taras agreed to dismiss them, but I plead them not to.  Begrudgingly, they complied and instead the school gave a huge amount of compensation. They also administered more health staffs and precautionary measures.

The students also started to see Ace and I as heroes, especially my classmates. Ace is very happy to receive such treatment, while I feel uncomfortable. Taras and Tarkhan agreed that we both deserve it, in fact we deserved more, is what they said.

We also thanked the sister and brother who helped us. We discovered they were fiance and that Miss Anne, the female high schooler, is Laeticia's cousin, she is the daughter of Lady Erica's sister.

In the novel, she helped the villainess in harassing the heroine and tried ways to harm Richard's business too. They were both disowned by their family.

I don't recognize the guy, Harold. If I remember correctly, it was stated that Anne's fiance abandoned her after he got tired of her mischiefs.

Such guy...

I hope she finds a better man. Though it is justifiable when he left her..but if he truly loves her, he should have tried to help her change and took her when she was shunned by the family. He should have helped her convince Laeticia to just give up on Richard. That way, Laeticia wouldn't be blackened so much and be blinded by jealousy. She felt that everything was against her and her bad deeds were justifiable. Miss Anne supporting her misconduct solidified that fact.

I am now 10 years old.

I still have two more years before my parents die.

I'm still figuring out what might trigger that event. So while I still have some remaining time, as much as possible I try to accompany them everywhere and try to know their schedules.

I had a hunch it is related to fire. The Ethan in the novel disliked being near huge fires.

I have so many things that I am still lacking. Plus I am constantly plagued with nightmares of their screams. I wonder if these are Ethan's memories. Because if so, I hope they never stop. As much as it scares me to see those scenes, I had to get as much information as needed.

For now, I try to calm my head from worries.

I looked at the window just to see a tender snow land on my bedroom's window panes. My room had a vantage point of seeing the garden. The pink petals of our plum blossoms created a warm scenery of the white surroundings. It calmed my heart down.

It's winter now because it's December. We were invited by the Ross family to their home for Laeticia's birthday.

It's on December 11.

I never got to experience winter in my past life since I was born in a tropical country. So every time I see snow falls, I get amazed. It's not wrong to say that winter is my favorite season and next is autumn. My parents always laugh at how I much I can't wait for it to be winter.

The party is princess themed. Just like any normal girls, they liked their first public birthday party to be magical. I bet Mr. Robert would be the king haha.

Mom started designing clothes for us.
I look forward to it.

When I was alive in the past world, I always dreamt of wearing a dress but since we can't afford it, I settled to jeans. I don't regret it though, I learned to like jeans more.

Now, I want to wear suits and polos. I really am beginning to be guy. I also got taller. Ace and I are the tallest kids in our class.

I also learned how to play piano and violin now and ride a horse! My parents and Albert praised how fast I learned. It's really great to be rich haha! I'm no longer some talentless kid who always buckle whenever the teacher asks to introduce ourselves and our talents during the first day of class.

But there's one problem..

I still can't dance.

I had poor coordination when I was a girl but now I still had it.

I wonder if I will dance on her birthday. I'll just embarrass myself! I hope there isn't any dancing in a kid's party.

I also have the gift to worry about.

In the novel, Alicia liked makeups. Which is a shame because she's so adorable without it and I can't gift a seven year old her like that!

She is already rich, I wonder what will she like.

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