#2 - You're, like, a Garden Gnome

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Chapter 2 - You're, like, a Garden Gnome
published: Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Annabeth slowed behind the pillar, peering round it to check if anyone was around. The glass doors to the library entrance was just a few feet away, and if she was caught in he act now...

Okay, so she should probably explain why she had become an undercover ninja. Well, since a certain someone had made the library a cursed place for her to be at the moment, Annabeth had spent her lunches under the tree trying to finish her book.

She'd gone through it fairly quickly and finished this afternoon - Friday afternoon, to be more specific. The book weighed about three kilograms, and Annabeth wasn't about to carry that on the bus and the walk all the way home. So here she was, sneaking into the library at 6pm to return her book. Fanny had probably left an hour ago, declaring the library off limits till tomorrow, but Annabeth knew for a fact that she always left the key under the mat.

The blonde girl slid her hand under the mat and triumphantly pulled out a small metal key. As she pushed the key in and started to jimmy it open, the door pushed forward with her force.

Annabeth frowned. She hadn't even turned the key yet. Pocketing the library key, Annabeth tried the right door. Sure enough, it swung open silently without much effort.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. Of course, Fanny had forgotten to lock up today. Though, she was in luck. Annabeth made a mental note to lock up after she left.

She stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. Backing away from the door, Annabeth felt a grin spread across her face as she revelled in her successful break-in.

"Lame," she could almost hear Piper say. Annabeth laughed to herself, hiking her bag up higher as she turned around-

"Ah!" Annabeth clapped a hand over her mouth to muffle her scream. She could've sworn her heart had stopped beating. "Jesus Christ!"

Percy Jackson was sitting at one of the tables, an earbud in his hand and his mouth hanging open. Papers were spread all across the desk and a pen dropped from his hand.

"Oh my God," Annabeth whispered as she grabbed the librarian's desk to steady herself. "What are you doing here?" she nearly shrieked.

"What are you doing here?" Percy demanded in return. "Miss Norbury said no one should be in here after 5."

Annabeth gave him a pointed glare.

"Okay, she gave me special permission," Percy added. His hurried covering up of his work didn't pass her unnoticed.

Slowly walking up to him, Annabeth has to squint to see the papers on his desk. "Are you doing..." Annabeth paused. "Math?"

Percy flushed a dark red. "No."

"Yeah, this is the homework from today's class," Annabeth said slowly. "Why are you..." Her voice trailed off as she realised that all of his week's homework was spread across the table. "Why don't you do your homework at home?"

She realised her mistake when Percy's face closed up up and a cold expression overtook his usual friendly one. This was the face that intimidated everyone.

"None of our business," he said shortly, stuffing papers back into his bag.

"Hey, wait-" Annabeth's voice cut off abruptly as she caught sight of a white scar peaking over the back of his shirt collar. A massive white scar, actually. "Hold on!"

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