#23 - Tastes Like Coffee

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Chapter 23 - Tastes Like Coffee
published: Tuesday, 21 April 2020

"I feel like I can breathe again," Percy groaned, stumbling down the corridor by Annabeth's side.

She rolled her eyes and righted him. "Don't be so melodramatic." Percy was right though. They'd just walked out of their final exam; Physics.

"But then there's still results," Percy whined. "Hell isn't over yet."

"You're bringing us down," Hazel complained. "I, for one, plan on getting hammered at Drew's tonight."

Jason just stared at her with disbelief. "I can't believe I ever thought you were innocent."

"Please," Percy snorted. "It's all a trick. She's the worst one of us all."

Drew's party was in celebration of the end of exams, though Annabeth doubted her neighbours were quite happy about it. Pretty much everyone in their year had been invited, as well as some seniors who happened to show up.

Somehow — Annabeth really had to discover these methods — there was alcohol. Kegs of beer and even a beer bong were available.

Drew's house wasn't as large as Luke's, so people spilled onto the upper floors and the lawn, while the pulsing music deafened every corner of the residence. Disco lights illuminated the ground floor as overeager teenagers dominated the space.


Annabeth scanned her surroundings for the owner of the voice. Jason appeared, waving madly as he moved towards her with someone in tow.

"She came back early!" Jason raised his voice to be heard over the music. "Brought her along — again, I question it!"

Annabeth's mouth dropped open as she saw Thalia standing behind him, saluting her as she went in for hugs. "Oh my God, I haven't seen you in forever!"

Since Annabeth had always been close to Jason, she went over to his house a lot. She and Thalia, Jason's troublemaking older sister, bonded quickly and easily. It was sometimes ridiculous to think that she and Jason were related.

Thalia was sent to a military boarding school on the west coast a few years ago, following an incident of school suspension relating to rude graffiti on the school's back wall.

"Look at you, all grown up and pretty," Thalia taunted, smiling affectionately. "Jason's kept me updated on all the gossip, don't worry."

"Oh no, don't tell me—"

"I never thought Percy Jackson was your type," Thalia interjected. Annabeth turned on Jason with an accusatory gaze, who just responded with a smug grin.

"The scrawny boy with the green eyes, no?" Thalia guessed.

Annabeth scratched the back of her head. "Well, actually—"

"Annabeth! Jason!" More choruses as the a few more of their friends — Percy and Leo — squeezed through the crowd.

"Thalia!" Leo shouted excitedly, hugging his best friend's sister. "You're even scarier than usual!"

"And you're looking skinnier than usual," Thalia responded cheerily. Her eyes widened fractionally when she saw Percy. "Wow, okay. Percy Jackson?"

Annabeth resisted the urge to laugh as he waved at Thalia, seemingly confused. "That's Jason's sister, Thalia."

"Oh, I remember you," Percy recalled. "You pushed me off the swings once."

"Sorry," Thalia winced. "Water under the bridge?" She squinted at him. "Well, I remember you, but Jason failed to mention that you'd turned into the cover of Vogue magazine."

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