#32 - The Blackmailer

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Chapter 32 - The Blackmailer
published: Wednesday, 27 May 2020

"So, Percy, do you want to come to mine after school to work on that English project?" Drew drawled, resting her arm on the table as she looked up at him through her lashes.

Annabeth gnashed her teeth. She'd pulled out a book when Drew arrived suppress her anger, but her eyes couldn't focus on the words when another girl was flirting with her boyfriend.

"Um, we could just do it in the library," Percy replied lamely, looking stricken and ready to dig himself a hole.

The rest of their friends sat around the lunch table, shooting Percy smug looks. Annabeth schooled her face into a nonchalant expression when Piper glanced over at her.

"Oh, the library's boring," Drew insisted. "We can even have a picnic in my yard and do it." She paused, feigning thoughtfulness. "Y'know, it's a date!"

Percy was looking paler than a ghost. "Uh—"

"Oh, and you can stay for dinner after too," Drew offered. "Maybe hang out a bit—"

Annabeth slammed her book down on the table. "He said 'no', Drew," she snapped, her eyes widening when she realised what she'd just done.

Jason shot her a 'are you jealous?' look.

Too late now.

Drew turned on her coolly. "I think that's for Percy to decide." She snorted. "What are you? His girlfriend?"

Annabeth glared at her. "Actually, yeah, I am."

Frank's jaw dropped, mimicked almost exactly by Leo. Drew looked like a mix between horror and the urge to scream.

"So you can leave now," Annabeth prompted, clenching her fist. "This one's taken." Her eyes followed Drew's retreating figure as she flounced off back to her table, probably ready to spew a bunch of nonsense to her friends.

"Good riddance," Annabeth muttered under her breath, pulling a face at Percy.

"Tell me about it," Percy groaned. "God, I thought that would never end." That earned a laugh from her.

"Excuse me?" Piper's voice was about an octave higher than normal. "What the hell just happened?" she practically shrieked.

Annabeth winced. "Um..."

"That was a lie, right?" Jason looked like he was about to pass out. "To-to get Drew off your back?"

Percy scratched the back of his neck. "Well," stammered.

Hazel's gaze was flickering rapidly between the two of them, as it had finally dawned on her.

"No, we're dating," Annabeth admitted. "We have been for a month."

"What?" Now it was Leo's turn to shriek. "What?"

"Honestly, we're surprised no one guessed," Percy tried to lighten the mood.

Frank stared at him. "What?" he demanded.

Percy shot Annabeth a helpless look.

"We just didn't want the whole school finding out," Annabeth said apologetically. "I'm sorry we didn't tell you guys." Their blank stares remained. "Can you...say something?"

Hazel looked ready to slam her head against a wall. "So, you're," she said slowly. "Like, girlfriend and boyfriend?"

"Yeah," Percy said awkwardly.

"Have you gone on dates?" That was Frank.

Annabeth nodded.

"Oh my God." Piper's hand flew to her mouth. "Montauk?"

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