#33 - Playing Matchmaker

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Chapter 33 - Playing Matchmaker
published: Wednesday, 3 June 2020

happy birthday to Piper! my heart goes out to all the protesters in the US — stay safe and stay strong!


Annabeth caught a glimpse of her reflection in the sliding glass doors as she waited patiently for them to open up.

Percy's hoodie hung down to her thighs, her light-washed denim skirt peeking out from under the hem. Her hair was up in a ponytail today, pulled together with a blue scrunchie to match.

The November air was chilly, whipping at her bare legs. Annabeth made a mental note to bring tights with her in the future.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside, gazing around the stadium with wide eyes. She'd never done this before; supporting a boyfriend at a sports game.

Piper and Jason had briefed her — they had a long-running tradition of wearing the other's team clothing at games like this. Percy's hoodie had already been sprawled across her couch, so Annabeth took it upon herself to wear it to his swim meet today.

Percy was representing the school team, so Beckendorf, Travis and Clarisse would be swimming alongside him, as well as two other teammates.

Her friends were already seated in the bleachers; taking up the front row.

Rachel and Silena held up a large "Go Goode!" banner between them, Katie struggling to raise the centre part up. Annabeth's gaze flickered to Katie's nice outfit and make-up; the blue eyeshadow couldn't just be for the school.

A few teachers milled about — Coach Hedge, who was also in charge of swimming, and Paul Blowfis. Annabeth was surprised to see Percy's English teacher getting roped into chaperoning this event.

Another familiar face in the stands was Sally Jackson, who sat beside Hazel, beaming proudly.

Annabeth followed her gaze to see the swim team gearing up on the right side of the pool, and the opposing team beside them. Waving wildly, Annabeth laughed to herself when Percy caught sight of her and grinned madly.

"Hey, Sally!" Annabeth said nervously as she slid into the seat between her and Hazel. She hadn't seen Percy's mother since they began dating, and she wasn't sure if Percy had mentioned it.

"Annabeth!" Sally said excitedly. "Oh, it's nice that you're here too!"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Annabeth reassured her.

Sally shot her a furtive look. "Congratulations, by the way."

Feeling her face grow warm, Annabeth ducked her head embarrassedly. "Thanks." Out of the corner of her eye, Annabeth glimpsed Mr Blowfis sitting in the next row up. "Mr Blowfis! Hi!"

Paul waved cheerfully.

"Oh, are you the swim coach?" Sally inquired.

"Oh, no," Paul chuckled. "I'm the English teacher — Percy's, actually." He smiled. "You must be his mother."

"Sally Jackson," she introduced, shaking his hand warmly. "Nice to meet you..."

"Paul," he finished.

Annabeth released a sigh of relief as she excused herself, squeezing past the rest of her friends to take the vacant seat between Leo and Frank.

"So, what exactly is this competition?" she said breathlessly once she was seated.

"It's one of the qualifying rounds," Frank explained. "Hazel and I have been coming to these for years." He had an unreadable expression on. "Trust me, it's a lot more interesting than you'd think."

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