#48 - Promposal

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Chapter 48 - Promposal
published: Wednesday, 18 November 2020


"Mhm?" Percy turned his head to look at Annabeth. She was lying on his bed reading a book while he sat cross-legged on the floor and played a video game.

On the screen, Leo's avatar ran over to duck behind the trash can and shoot at their enemies.

"Can I ask you something?"

Percy pressed the pause button, warning an angry emotion notification from Jason, as if to say 'Hey, man'. Frank waved. Setting the controller down, Percy scrambled to his feet, clambering onto the bed to lie down beside her. "Sensing that this is a serious conversation."

Annabeth fell silent for a moment, her hand hovering as she brushed her fingers against the healing wound on his head. Percy shivered, remembering the gun pressing into the back of his skull.

When she opened her mouth, Annabeth said the last thing that Percy ever thought she'd say. "Should I go to NYU?"

Percy blinked. "What?" He shook his head. "Wait. What?"

Annabeth looked down at her hands, fiddling awkwardly with them. "Well, I mean, it's a perfectly good school. Their economics course is fine. I'd get to stay in New York...well, I'd get to stay with you. Wouldn't you prefer that?"

Percy turned on his side so he was facing her. Annabeth looked so torn he couldn't believe it.  "Is this what's been bothering you for the last few weeks?"

"Yes," she muttered embarrassedly.

"Okay, firstly," he said. "I would love it if you went to NYU. Of course, I mean I'd get to see you everyday. We'd be in the same city." Percy tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "But, secondly."

He cocked his head to the side. "Tell me the truth. Do you actually like the economics course at NYU? As in, if you go to NYU, can you tell me with absolute confidence that you'll be going for the education?"

She picked at the strings on his hoodie. "No," she muttered.

"Then why is this even a question?"

"Because I feel guilty," Annabeth blurted out. "I-I'm leaving you. I hate the thought of leaving you, Percy. I don't even like it remotely when we don't see each other for a week. We'd be in different cities — hell, we'd be in different states."

"Yes, but this is Yale," Percy reminded her. "You've worked your ass off for this. And there's no way you're going to give that up just because you feel guilty." He shrugged. "And there's nothing to feel guilty for."

"It's not gonna be difficult?"

"It's gonna be so difficult," Percy corrected. "I'm going to miss you so much it'll physically hurt. I mean, last summer, it was bad, and we weren't even dating yet. I hate being away from you, but you don't have anything to feel guilty for because I'll hate it a little less knowing how much you'll love it there."

"So we'll both be happy," Annabeth said slowly. "Me at Yale and you at NYU. Miles apart."

"This problem would be solved if I was smarter," Percy told her. "We could be that genius couple. People would be all 'woah'."

"Smart Percy would be...weird."


That earned him a smile.

"I guess if we can get through everything else," Annabeth paused. "I mean Gabe, Mortelli—"

"Drew," Percy added. "I would put her very high up on that list."

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