#28 - Springing a Trap

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Chapter 28 - Springing a Trap
published: Friday, 1 May 2020

"You're a hero, kid," James declared as he walked Percy away from the van.

Soon, they'd be close enough to be within sight of Mortelli's lookouts.

Percy eyed the warehouse warily. It stood in a decrepit part of town and stood high at three storeys of abandoned concrete. The building practically screamed 'evil hideout'.

"This doesn't feel that useful," Percy muttered, patting the Teflon bulletproof vest the precinct lent him to wear under his suit. A precaution, James insisted, though Sabrina had advised him to exercise extreme caution.

Yeah, Percy was about to face down a wanted criminal, she didn't need to tell him twice.

Even as his nerves bubbled up, Percy reminded himself that Annabeth was somewhere inside that building and needed him to do this.

"Wish me luck," Percy said warily as he stepped away from James and started towards the warehouse.

Hazel and Jason were probably pacing their way through the precinct, not permitted to join Percy's super dangerous mission. The rest of their friends were at home, worrying themselves sick despite Percy's attempt at reassuring messages. Though, how could he calm them down when he felt like his heart was going to rip its way out of his chest?

Please, don't shoot, Percy prayed inwardly as he stepped inside the warehouse. He repeated the mental mantra that a James and the other officers weren't far away. They were ready to break in as soon as Percy got his part over.

His ADHD caused his mind to ramble, wondering if he should've read the fine print in the paperwork he'd just signed. Percy had made up a signature on the spot and scribbled it hastily in order to get this rescue mission on its way.

"Mortelli?" Percy called, hoping his voice didn't tremble. "It's Percy, your favourite kid." He winced when he accidentally added that last part. Hazel had told him not to piss Mortelli off. Apparently it was a natural talent. "I'm here to offer you a deal."

The lines were practiced, but Percy hoped he managed to sound as realistic as possible. James had drilled the script into his head on the drive over here. They didn't use civilians in the field very often, and James clearly wasn't used to having to catch someone else up to his brain.

Just as Percy prepared to call off the whole operation, a figure stepped out of the shadows.

Drama queen, Percy thought smugly as he recognised the man as Mortelli. He was flanked by Thing 1 and Thing 2, one of them the same thug from their first run-in.

"Now," Mortelli spread his hands. "Above all, I am a businessman." He smiled to reveal crooked teeth and a glint in his eye that made Percy's stomach churn.

"I'll take Annabeth's place," Percy told him. Even though it was just part of the plan, Percy meant it. He'd hop in this psycho's car if it meant Annabeth could get out unscathed.

Percy wondered when the hell his crush had gotten this strong.

"How is that a fitting offer when I could just capture you right here?" Mortelli sneered.

Percy scratched the back of his head. "Um." He hadn't prepared for this. He wasn't exactly the quickest thinker around. The recording device tucked under his collar weighed a ton as Percy scrambled for words to say.

He could almost see James banging his hand against the window of the car.

What would Annabeth say? Percy wracked his brain.

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