#3 - Like Really, Really Smart

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Chapter 3 - Like Really, Really Smart
published: Wednesday, 29 January 2020

The bells dangling above the front door rung as they hit each other. Percy glanced up from his coffee-making to see a familiar face walk in.

It was Annabeth Chase. Her curly blonde hair was bunched up in a ponytail and she was wearing leggings, a black miniskirt, and a loose grey knit sweater over a white tank top.

After a few moments of indecision, Percy waved her over and grinned when he saw her eyes light up with recognition. It was weird seeing Annabeth and not making a point to avoid her. Percy couldn't remember the last time they'd actually spoken civilly.

"Hey," she said breathlessly. "Sorry, I thought I'd be late and ended up being five minutes early."

Percy shrugged. "It's fine. I'm almost done. Can I get you anything? On me," he assured her. She was doing him a favour by tutoring him.

Annabeth's gaze roved over the menu. She pulled a face. "It's all coffee," she said distastefully.

"Ah, we have a non-drinker," Walter announced, walking up behind Percy. Walter was the owner of the coffee shop - as named - and an old friend of Percy's mum. "Who's your date, Percy?" He extended a hand. "Walter Bruno, pleasure to meet you."

"Annabeth Chase." Annabeth looked like she was about to burst into laughter. "Yeah, I'm not his date," she snorted. "I'm not on the cheerleading team. I don't meet the requirements."

"I don't always date cheerleaders," Percy protested indignantly. "What about Reyna?"

"She's the only one," Annabeth reminded him. "Doesn't count." She chewed on her lower lip. "Do you have any tea or juice?"

Walter groaned. "Oh, come on. Let Percy make you a latte," he insisted. "I promise you'll change your mind after this."

Annabeth frowned. "Doubt it."

"I'm paying anyway, just let me choose something," Percy told her.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Fat chance." She placed a five dollar bill on the counter. "I'll have an earl grey, please. No sugar or milk." Percy took the money begrudgingly and placed in her order.

When Percy's shift ended, he hung up his apron and slid into the seat beside Annabeth. "What were you doing this morning?" he asked.

Annabeth shrugged. "Ice skating with friends."

Alarm bells started to go off in Percy's head. "You didn't-"

Her horrified expression matched his feelings. "Oh God, no. If they knew we were doing this, Jason would give me the full lecture."

"Please, Frank would go after that Valdez kid again," Percy muttered. "Hazel and I can only do so much." He pulled out a few sheets of their math homework. "Okay, so there's all this stuff that I don't get at all."

Annabeth glanced over the papers for a few seconds. "Yeah, this is pretty straightforward. It's solving algebraic quadratics. We did it in freshman year."

Percy winced. "Yeah, pretty sure I was out sick that week."

Annabeth gave him one of her looks. It was inexplicable, but Percy felt compelled to tell her the truth. "Out sick or out sick?" Her gaze flickered to where she knew the scars were on his back.

Percy shrugged. "Not sure." Oh, he remembered clearly. Gabe had come home that night drunk out of his mind from the tavern. Sally had been in a writing seminar, leaving Percy to fend for himself against Gabe's new leather belt. The old scar on his waist felt like it was opening up again.

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