#49 - The Last Night

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Chapter 49 - The Last Night
published: Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Percy stopped before the gate, reluctantly slipping his hand out of Annabeth's grip. "Guess this is it, huh?"

They'd been through the motions a thousand times before. They were neighbourhooders — according to Percy, a play on the word 'neighbours' — so they took turns on who got to be dropped off first after every date they had.

It was usually in the afternoon, and on rare occasions later in the evening, but tonight — tonight was different. Tonight was the end of an era, for Annabeth at least. She was clad in red and his collar was open, and it was their last night of high school.

He always dropped her off here. They'd say goodbye, maybe kiss if they were feeling bold. Annabeth would make a joke at his expense, Percy would make an indignant sound, but then they'd kiss again and then the "goodnight" comes.

Except tonight was different.

Percy was a gentleman. He always waited until she was inside of the house to leave. She did the same whenever she dropped him off at her house, but it always felt nice to be standing on her doorstep, then look over her shoulder and wave to Percy one last time. He'd flash a goofy grin and wave back.

Except tonight Annabeth stopped before she could open the gate. She turned around with bated breath. "Do you want to come in?"

Silence hung between them. It was never awkward with Percy, and it wasn't awkward right now. But there was a trepidation, a sort of anticipation in the air.

Annabeth knew that she wouldn't take another breath until he replied, which meant she could very well be passed out on the floor any second now.

"Sure," Percy said, off-handedly, but even in the darkness, Annabeth could see the small grin he allows himself. It made her smile at what a dork he was. Because that was Percy Jackson's best-kept secret. No one seemed to have cracked it yet but her.

Annabeth could feel butterflies flapping wildly in her stomach. The after-party had been at Silena's, and it was almost midnight by the time everyone started to file out. One last hurrah. There were teary goodbyes and promises to meet up again soon.

There was still the whole summer until Annabeth had to leave for school, so she knew she'd still see her friends. But Silena, Beckendorf, even Clarisse (which she'd never admit aloud)...she wouldn't be seeing them again for a long, long time.

It was a weird feeling, knowing this was the end of a lot of things. Annabeth missed the days when they didn't really know what was ahead of them.

It helped that Percy was here. In fact, he seemed to sense the mixed emotions radiating off of her because he took her hand in his and pulled her into his side.

They reached the doorstep, where Annabeth hastily turned the keys in the lock.

She was first to cross the threshold, taking her shoes off and putting them up on the rack.

"I can feel my toes," Annabeth sighed happily, wriggling her feet against the mat. She turned around to face Percy, who was standing awkwardly in the doorstep.

She couldn't help the laugh that escaped her. "I wish I had a camera right now. You're such a Seaweed Brain. Come on, just leave your shoes at the front."

Annabeth dropped her bag on the couch. Even her house felt different tonight...although that was for a completely different reason.

"Helen's away for a conference. The twins are at a sleepover," Annabeth said, unable to keep the nerves out of her voice. She swallowed. Oh no. The one time she needed her wits about her and she was completely useless at communication.

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