#45 - Ivy Day

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Chapter 45 - Ivy Day
published: Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Annabeth's right leg thrummed against the floor distractingly. She was chewing relentlessly at her lower lip in a way that made Percy want to reprimand her.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. "You're going to bite through it," he blurted out.

Annabeth flushed a light red.

"Does this even matter?" Leo pointed out. "Ivy Day's in four days. Your SAT score isn't going to change the results."

Percy glared at him. "Comforting."

"No, it's fine," Annabeth said dismissively. "It might've affected my results and it might not have. But it's still the SATs."

They were huddled around the coffee table in Piper's living room — the location they'd collectively agreed would be the site of all important future decisions. Laptops were opened on everyone's laps, the SAT portal open as they waited impatiently for their latest scores.

College acceptance letters were due any week now, and the build-up of stress was starting to affect them all.

"They're in! They're in!" Annabeth almost shrieked as the notification popped up on her screen.

With a shaking hand. she navigated the page and clicked on her score, Percy peering over her shoulder with anticipation.

"Holy shit," he swore when he saw the mark.

The four numbers blurred in Annabeth's vision as a spurt of adrenaline made her giddy with astonishment.


"I'm dreaming," she said, voice shaky. "I'm actually—this can't be real. I can't—"

The rest of their friends were crowding around her laptop now, ogling the score on the screen.

Almost at once, the group burst in celebratory shouts and triumphant cheers. Annabeth remained frozen in disbelief as she was hugged from every direction, receiving pats on the back and high fives all around.

"Why are you so shocked?" Percy laughed, grabbing her hand and pulling her into his side. "Wasn't this your goal?"

"It-it's a goal!" Annabeth emphasised, voice an octave higher than usual. "I set impossible goals all the time! I always aim for 100% on everything but that doesn't mean I actually think I'll get it!"

"You're one of 500 people in our year with that score," Percy shook his head. "I-I'm so proud of you, my God."

Finally, Annabeth's felt her face break into a weak smile as she enveloped Percy, discreetly pecking his cheek.

"I think this'll be my biggest achievement," she said, taking a picture of the screen to forward to her family. "I-I'll never top this. On my gravestone, it'll say, 'Annabeth Chase, 1600'."

"Please," Percy rolled his eyes. "By the time you're 30, this won't even be anything important. You'll be the youngest Supreme Court Judge or something."

His face fell when he saw her eyes sparkle. "No, no, don't—"

"I think it's time to set another impossible goal," Annabeth said, her energy picking back up again, her astonishment subsiding into feverish excitement. "Supreme Court Judge, Percy!" She grabbed his hands and squeezed them. "That's my new dream."

"What, to be the next Ruth Bader Ginsburg?"

"Yes," she said, the epitome of seriousness.

Leo released a string of high-pitched curses that snapped their attention away from Annabeth's insane ambitions to see him squatting on a chair with his eyes practically bulging out of his head.

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