#13 - I Have An Announcement To Make

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Chapter 13 - I Have An Announcement To Make
published: Wednesday, 18 March 2020

"Hey," Annabeth said cheerfully, speeding up to walk in step with Percy.

Monday mornings were always the worst, but it was especially bad when Percy was acting strangely around her. And he was.

He'd been weird ever since her date with Brady yesterday, and Annabeth had no idea what she'd done to warrant it.

When he didn't respond, Annabeth brushed past it. "You left your sweater at Piper's yesterday." She pulled out his blue football hoodie and passed it to him.

"Thanks," he said shortly.

Annabeth felt anger bubbling up inside. Well, if he didn't want to talk to her, then she wouldn't bother him.

"Fine," she snapped. "Have a good day."

She didn't see him until lunch that day.

"I'm telling you, it's because he likes you," Piper whispered to her across the table.

Hazel had joined them today, and while it was nice to have a bigger circle, they had to be less spaced out on the table.

"You sure about that?" Annabeth murmured, her eyes catching on the commotion at the front of the cafeteria.

It was Percy and Rachel, hands linked and flirting in a way that made Annabeth wrinkle her nose.

"Oh my God," she heard Hazel mutter under her breath.

"Did you know about this?" Jason asked Hazel.

Hazel shook her head in disbelief. "No. He didn't mention anything. I thought she asked him out after the game on Saturday, but he said no."

Annabeth's ears unconsciously strained to hear the conversations from other tables.

Gazes swivelled to pierce through the back of her head, judgemental and hateful looks making her want to curl into a ball.

"That was quick."

"I know, a couple of days and she's just another conquest?"

"It's typical of Jackson, come on, when has he spent more than a few days on one girl?"

"I wonder if she knew before today."

"She looks sad about being publicly dumped. It's pathetic, honestly."

"Annabeth's just another one of the million girls who fell for Percy. She's no different to the others."

Annabeth released a choked gasp as she suddenly stood up from her seat. Percy and Rachel were steering their way over to their table, and there was no way she could do this right now.

She swept her tray up stiffly. "I need some air," Annabeth breathed, stumbling away from the table as she narrowly avoided bumping into other students.

Whiffs of other people's words encased her as she cleared her tray before racing out of the hall as quickly as she could.

Annabeth was practically sprinting to the lockers by the time she had her bag and bus card at the ready. Students whispered as she passed, the same things she'd always dreaded.

She's a trophy on the wall.

Do you even think she meant anything to him?

What a slut. Putting out for a player? Big mistake.


She slammed into Frank, who caught her before she could fall.

"Th-thanks," she stammered. "Sorry, I-I gotta go." Her eyes were brimming with tears that blurred her vision.

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