#14 - Love Is In The Air

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Chapter 14 - Love Is In The Air
published: Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Percy rapped on the door nervously, shuffling his feet back and forth as he waited impatiently at Annabeth's door.

He didn't quite know what he wanted to say to her, but the main thing he knew he needed to get out was "sorry".

The events that transpired at lunchtime only reminded Percy of how much he had to make up to her. Stopping the rumours once and for all was only the first step.

Yesterday, when Annabeth had so excitedly informed him of her date, Percy had felt a weird discomfort.

Albeit, somehow or other, Percy ended up texting Rachel, taking back his rejection and asking her out for a late dinner date.

In all honesty, Rachel was really sweet. She was also funny, sarcastic and cute in a way that made Percy smile every time he saw her.

He hated to think that she was only here to take his mind of Annabeth. Percy never dated anyone he didn't have feelings for. He just wasn't that kind of person.

But whatever his motives, that had resulted in Annabeth receiving the backlash, so he had that to apologise for.

The third mistake he'd made was being distant this morning. The thing with Annabeth's date had really freaked him out, enough to feel awkward around her.

And that was just stupid. This was Annabeth. She'd seen him with glass in his head. Nothing could really make things awkward anymore.

The third thing he had to apologise for, and it probably wouldn't be the last time he would have to.

So when Annabeth opened the door, naturally, the first thing out of Percy's mouth should've been "sorry".

Unfortunately for him, Annabeth was wearing pyjamas shorts and a t-shirt with matching owls on them, and it absolutely made him blank.

"I tried to get here fast," Percy blurted out. "But I was all sweaty after practice, and I figured you'd kick me out if I didn't have a shower, so I went home and changed, and then I came here. And it's really late, so you're probably eating dinner—"

"Percy!" Annabeth interrupted with a snort. "Slow down, I barely understood what you just said."

He felt his cheeks burn so red he could've sworn they were on fire. "Right."

Annabeth eyed him doubtfully. "Do you want to come in?" she offered politely.

"Uh, sure," Percy said, guessing that it was probably a bad idea to have this conversation out in the cold.

"So..." Annabeth trailed off.

Percy opened his mouth to start, but caught sight of her parents and brothers sitting in the dining room, staring bemusedly at them.

"Can we talk in private?" he whispered.

Annabeth glanced back at her prying family, and her face flushed in embarrassment. "Dad," she hissed with a groan.

So they went up the steps to the second floor of her house.

"Okay, what is it?" Annabeth asked, her arms crossed over her chest.

Percy scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I'm really sorry. For everything. The rumours, blowing you off, and now, Rachel."

"You don't have to apologise about Rachel," Annabeth interjected abruptly. "I mean, I don't care." Somehow, her tone didn't match her words.

Percy dismissed it as his own overthinking. "Look, I've been a really bad friend. And I can't believe I didn't see it before — how much it affected you. But I kind of," he paused. "Shut that down."

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