#22 - Say Goodbye

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Chapter 22 - Say Goodbye
published: Monday, 20 April 2020

"To Calypso!" Piper declared, popping open the bottle of fizzy grape juice.

The cork flew into her pool, floating away with the ripples. As Piper poured glasses for everyone, the gang started readying themselves to dive in.

It was Calypso's farewell party early in the evening on Thursday, seeing as she was leaving right after school the next day.

"I'm excited to go back to England," Calypso admitted. "But I'll never forget you guys. If I'm ever in the country—"

"Call us up immediately," Hazel enunciated for emphasis. She was disappointed to have to live with the other girl again, having only her half-brother for company.

As hugs and chatter were exchanged, Annabeth glanced to where Percy was sitting on one of Piper's beach chairs beside Jason.

In one smooth move, Percy tugged his shirt off.

Annabeth unconsciously clenched her hands together till her knuckles turned white.

"Jesus Christ," she muttered under her breath.

Of course, she knew Percy was a swimmer and an athlete, but she'd never really seen him...half-naked.

"You just licked your lips," Leo snickered.

"Shut up," Annabeth said hotly, turning her head away as Percy looked up at her.

Percy was gorgeous. Obviously, somewhere in the back of Annabeth's mind, she'd always known it. But she didn't really register it until now.

He was deliciously tanned and muscular in a lean, lanky way, and Annabeth had to practically swallow down a dreamy sigh.

"Aren't you glad I made you wear your navy blue bikini?" Piper murmured.

Annabeth glared at her, though she slipped her white dress off, tossing it to the side as she walked up to the pool.

Dipping a foot inside tentatively, Annabeth yelped as the cold water lapped up to her ankle.

"How mad would you be—"

The voice so close to her nearly caused her to stumble into the pool, but Percy caught her by the arm.

Annabeth desperately tried to keep herself from blushing. There were a minimal number of items of clothing they were wearing. And he was awfully close.

"—if I pushed you in," Percy finished, shooting her a devilish grin as he released her arm.

Leaping away from the pool, Annabeth glared at him. "Don't even think about it." She had barely finished her sentence before Percy canon-balled into the water, a massive wave dousing her from head to toe.

Annabeth felt herself shivering madly as her mouth fell open indignantly. "You dickhead!"

Percy reached out an arm, feigning innocence. "Help me up?"

She snorted. "Please, that's the oldest trick in the book. You're crazy if you think I'd—" She cut herself off with an abrupt yell as Jason shoved her from behind.

When Annabeth surfaced, spluttering curses and threats, she was drenched again with Percy splashing water over her.

"I'm gonna kill you," she said menacingly, advancing into him, paddling as best as she could without her top falling off.

That would be pretty embarrassing.


"I'm gonna miss you all so much," Calypso said miserably.

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