Chapter 1- Thursday Part 1

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Hey guys!! So I wrote this book when I was literally 12, if you want to read a read a saucy bad-boy romance, check out my new book "Taming the Street Racer"!!

Mikayla's P.O.V

"I love you Mikayla," he lovingly said to me.

"I love you too Channing," reply with the same affection.

"Miky, we've been dating about three years now, so I have something to ask you."

I slowly nod my head, knowing where he was going with this.

"Mikayla Grace Lancaster, I love every single inch of you with all of my heart, so will you please make me the happiest person on planet earth and-"





I roll over to the source of the gut-wrenching noise and slam my hand down on it, accidentally breaking it. For a few minutes, I stal- I mean check people on Instagram. After realizing I should probably get up, I grab a fistful of my oh-so-soft comforter and toss it aside, revealing the harshness of the cool morning air. I trudge over to my closet and open my closet to reveal the pile of cloth that I call my wardrobe. I pull out a shirt that says 'I donut want to talk', a pair of jeans, and my black Chucks. After throwing my clothes on, I walk over to my bathroom.
When I finally arrive downstairs, I find my so called "father" getting ready to pack some suitcases into his car. Close by, I see my five year old brother, Alex, drowning his huge stack of pancakes in syrup and shoveling it into his mouth.

Once Alex sees me, he jumps out of his chair and runs full speed into my legs.


"Miky! Can you take me to the park today? Bob can't since he has to go," Alex begs.

I look over to Bob for answers. He just simply shrugs.

Alex suddenly runs out of the room singing "Deck the hollies with my ballies!" Must've learned it at school. Crazy child...

My father is always leaving, so we are used to it. He leaves for a week, comes back a day, then leaves for another week. Alex and I don't really look up to his as a father, so we just call him Bob, which is short for his name, Robert. We have never met my mother. My father says that she died after child birth, but when we ask him why, he shushes us and tells us to leave home alone. But I've always wondered how Alex came to be. I was 13 at the time, but I must've forgotten when he came home. He just kind of appeared.

Alex and I look a lot like our father, starting with our deep brown hair, high cheekbones, and eyes. But Alex and I have very different characteristics also, proving that we were from different mothers.

"Mikayla, I'm going to have to have you watch your brother for about a week or so. $300 is on my bed for food. I need to go take care of business," my dad finally replies.

'Business' has always been Bob's excuse, yet we've never learned what his job is.

"I'm heading out now. Take care of...", he stops for a moment to try to remember what his own son's name is. He finally gives up because he ends the sentence with "your brother". Typical Bob.

Just as Bob exits, Alex come back from who-knows-where and l

Slams into me once again. After prying him off of me, I grab a banana along with Alex and my school stuff, and we head out the door.
"Mikayla Grace Lancaster! You are going to that dance whether you like it or not! I don't care what you need to do! You're a teenager! Act like one!" My best friend, Leila, shouts at me, causing people to stare at us.

The Alpha's Princess✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang