Chapter 11- Saturday-Thursday

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Mikayla's outfit and swimwear^^^

Mikayla's P.O.V

Heat pulsed through my body, jolting me awake. I screamed at the top of my lungs from the pain. Xavier ripped the sheets off me and held me in his arms. It felt as if every square inch of me was engulfed in flames. If felt extremely hot. Tears started streaming down my scrunched up face. Xavier's touch lessened the pain a little bit.

I was wiggling around in his arms, trying to relieve myself of the pain. My shorts felt like chains around my waist. I tugged at the clothing material. Xavier helped to take them off. I was left in my underwear and shirt.

"Water," I managed to wheeze.

Xavier picked me up and ran downstairs. He set me on the couch and ran to the sink. After filling a cup of ice water, he ran it over to me. I chugged the glass down in a matter of seconds, leaving my body craving more. I shook the glass in front of his face. He understood me and filled a bigger glass of water. I chugged that one down too. The pain was becoming bearable, but still terrible.

"What's happening to me?" I whispered.

"You're in heat, Princess."

"What the fuck is that?"

"It's what happens 24 hours after marking. It's continues every night until the couple completes the mating process," Xavier explained.

"Why isn't it happening to you?" I ask, faintly.

He sat silently.

"You're not a virgin, are you?" I look up at him. He was looking at the ground, silent.

I could feel my heart breaking into tiny pieces inside my chest.

"If you knew I was out there, why didn't you wait?" I ask.

"I'm sorry, Princess," Xavier softly says.

"Why didn't you wait for me?!" I yell.

"I didn't think I would find you. I had lost hope in finding my mate. That's also the reason I agreed to the marriage alliance."

"You should never lose hope. I was alive," I whimper, feeling unwanted tears spring to my already puffy eyes.

"I know, Princess. You will never know how sorry I am. I wish I could kiss away your pain and take away your sadness," he scooped me up into his arms. He carried me back up to our room.

Xavier sat down, sliding me into his lap. He rocked me back and forth, kissing my forehead ever so often, while whispering sweet nothings in my ear. Eventually, I fell back asleep.
I awoke to find myself sprawled out across Xavier's chest. He was snoring heavily underneath me. I thought about what happened a few hours ago. Though I was heartbroken over the fact that he hadn't waited for me, I understood the struggle of wanting to give up on things.

I nudged Xavier, trying to wake him up. After a few rough pushes, I managed to earn a groan from him.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," I kept rocking him back and forth.

"What?" A groan erupted from Xavier's still body.

"Get up! I'm hungry," I said, continuing to nudge him.

"Fine," he started to sit up. Even though he had just woken up, he looked fucking sexy.

"I know, I'm irresistibly sexy. No need to mention it," even in the morning, he was arrogant.

I hopped out of the bed and opened the curtains on each side of his bed. Light flooded into the dark room, making Xavier flop back down, covering his eyes.

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